No ones povDinah and Melanie walked up to Lauren's porch and exchanged looks, "Why do you look so nervous?" Dinah asked and Melanie shrugged. "I love her Dinah, I really do. But she's the only person in this world who makes Camila happy. What if she's fine? What if she doesn't want Camila anymore?" Melanie asked and Dinah stared at her. "What are we supposed to do then? Let Camila throw her life away on some tramps who we all know she'll never love?" Melanie asked again.
Dinah took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. She never realized Melanie had cared about Camila so much, she knew they had been best friends since kindergarten but the girl clearly loves Camila as if she was her sister.
"Melly, I know Lauren, she loves Camila. I've seen this relationship, you've seen this relationship, we've all seen this relationship. It's clear that Lauren is absolutely crazy over Mila. But right now we're here for Lauren, and we have to make sure she's alright. So even if she comes out the happiest person ever, we are going to support her, because we love her." Dinah said softly and Melanie nodded.
"You're a lot more than just a pretty face Dinah Jane." Melanie teased and Dinah smiled at her best friend, "Yeah I am pretty great." Dinah joked and Melanie rolled her eyes playfully. "You ready?" Dinah asked and Melanie nodded.
Dinah rang the doorbell and they waited for an answer, after about thirty seconds Taylor opened the door. "Dinah? Melanie? What are you guys doing here?" The younger girl asked and Dinah smiled at her. "We're here to check on Lauren." Dinah said.
"Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea, she's been up in her room for two weeks now, she hasn't been eating or anything. Maybe you guys should come back?" Taylor suggested and she tried to close the door but Dinah pushed it opened. "Look, I get she's your sister and everything, but she's mine too. So I'm gonna go make sure she's okay, and no ones gonna stop that, not even you." Dinah said seriously and Taylor put her hands up defensively.
"She's upstairs." Taylor said as Melanie gave Dinah a look and they walked upstairs. "Damm, remind me never to fuck with you like that." Melanie joked and Dinah rolled her eyes. They walked up to Lauren's door and knocked lightly. "Mom go away!" Lauren yelled out, her voice was hoarse, it didn't sound like her usual voice.
"Lo, it's Dinah and Melanie." Dinah said lightly and silence took over. "Is c-camz with you?" Lauren asked quietly, "No, she's not." Melanie answered lightly. A couple moments later Lauren answered the door, she looked like a mess. Her hair was in a messy bun, her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she had no makeup on, and her eyes looked lifeless.
Dinah and Melanie had also noticed that Lauren looked pale and thinner. "Lauren you look awful." Melanie said and Lauren gave her a look, "Thanks that's just what ever girl likes to hear." Lauren said sarcastically. "Laur, we came to check on you, Taylor says you haven't been eating." Dinah said giving the raven haired girl a look, "I don't feel like it." Lauren admitted quietly.
"Lo, you have to eat." Dinah said softly. "I don't wanna leave this room." Lauren said quietly as she sat by her window. Dinah and Melanie exchanged looks, knowing that Lauren was overly sensitive at the moment, they didn't wanna say anything that might tick her off. "How are you Lauren?" Melanie asked and Dinah gave the girl a look.
"I'm fine." Lauren said bluntly, Melanie could tell it was an obvious lie, but decided not to put Lauren out like that. "How's camz?" Lauren asked quietly and Melanie sighed, "Not so good." Melanie said truthfully. "She's uh, back to her old ways I guess." Melanie decided to sugar coat it a bit. "So she's being a fuck girl again?" Lauren asked looking at her hands that were on her lap.
"Well it's a lot worse now Laur, she's drunk every night, she's just not herself. And I can see that you're not yourself either." Melanie said softly. "Yeah, so why don't we get you dolled up and get back on that camren ship again?" Dinah asked jokingly trying to lighten the mood.
Lauren then gave them both a look, "I'm not gonna talk to her." Lauren said and Melanie stared at the green eyed girl in confusion. "But why? Don't you miss her?" Melanie asked, "Of course I miss her! I love her! But this is my second time hurting her, how could you two even be here trying to get me back with her? I don't deserve her, she treated me like a queen. All she wanted was for me to be truthful, and I couldn't even do that." Lauren admitted, her voice cracking towards the end.
"All I want is for her to be happy." Lauren admitted softly. "She's happy with you Lauren! She loves you! Can't you see that?" Dinah asked and Lauren looked down. "I know she loves me Dinah, and I love her. But I've hurt her not only once, but twice now. I need to love her enough to let her go. So she can be happy with someone who deserves her, I don't. Not after everything I've put her through." Lauren said quietly, Melanie wanted to say something but instead she just aggravatedly walked out of Lauren's room and stormed downstairs.
Dinah stared at Lauren for awhile, before finally saying something. "I hope this is really what you want." Dinah said as she walked out of Lauren's room, closing the door behind her. After Lauren heard the front door close she fell to the floor and started crying.
---------------------------------------------------*private texts between Melanie and Camila*
DaddyC: Im drunj comr pick me up
-------------------------------------------------Should I make camren get back together next chap, or wait? 🤔 btw sorry I didn't upload today I was hanging out with my cousins 😹