*private texts between Camila and Lauren*Canola: hi I love u and u r v important to me :)💛
LaurenJ: the errors in that sentences make me cringe.
LaurenJ: but I love you too camzi and you're special to me too💖
Canola: you're so beautiful
Canola: why are you so beautiful
Canola: I'm so lucky
Canola: I haven't seen you today but I bet you look beautiful
Canola: you always look beautiful
Canola: *sigh* you're just so beautiful
LaurenJ: ... what did you do?
Canola: gosh Lauren I just like thinking about how beautiful you are
LaurenJ: but thank you v much you're beautiful too😘
Canola: did I make you smile?
LaurenJ: yes
LaurenJ: it made me smile more than it should've
Canola: good bc you're smile is beautiful :')
Canola: you know what else is beautiful?
LaurenJ: what?
Canola: your butt
Canola: you should really send me nudes
LaurenJ: ... I really should've seen this coming
Canola: or you can just send me a selfie either one will turn me on
LaurenJ: I love you so much