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My moms picking up the school work I've missed tomorrow, I'm gonna have so much hw :(
(Private messages between Normani and Dinah)

DinahJ: good morning wife💖

NormaniK: hey

DinahJ: how'd you sleep?😘

NormaniK: okay

DinahJ: are you okay???

NormaniK: what are we?

DinahJ: we are farmers bum-budum-budum-dumdum

NormaniK: Dinah im serious. Even Camren knows what they are and they're the most confusing people ever.

DinahJ: I don't really understand what you're trying to ask mani

NormaniK: you're always flirting with me and calling me yours, and your future wife. But like is that in a friendly flirty way, or in an I really wanna be with you way?

NormaniK: Cause I really don't wanna waste my time Dinah.

DinahJ: bish I ain't trynna be yo friend, isn't it obvious I wanna eat your pussy?

DinahJ: and not just in a sexual way like I just wanna eat your pussy. No, I wanna eat yo pussy and only yo pussy for the rest of my life.

DinahJ: bish I wanna grow old and still be eating yo pussy when I'm 94.

DinahJ: does that answer your question?

NormaniK: that is the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me Dinah I love you so much 😿💖

DinahJ: I love you too Normani💞 and I have a question

NormaniK: ask away babe

DinahJ: will you be my girlfriend? I mean I know it's over text and I'm sorry I can't do it in person, but I just really want you to be mine😿💍

NormaniK: awww Dinah! Yes I'll be your girlfriend😻💖 and I've been yours wyd

DinahJ: omg this is the best day of ma life 😺💍

NormaniK: mine too babe, mine too😘💖 oh and one more thing

DinahJ: yeah?

NormaniK: I wanna eat your pussy for the rest of my life too baby

I was sad so I decided to write this chapter bc Norminah always makes me feel better 😿💖

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