LaurenJ: nugget found a friend while we were on a run today
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Canola: nugget is too pure for this world 😿💗
Crybaby: wait a sec isn't that right in back of the taco truck down the street?
Allysus: LOLOL Lauren, you went for a run and stopped for tacos??
LaurenJ: I don't like the judgment in that text Ally.
DinahJ: my question is, how tf does Melanie know that that's exactly where the taco truck is?
NormaniK: I'm more focused on the pupper
Allysus: he's not a puppy mani, he's a full grown dog
Allysus: I- *facepalms* okay.
DinahJ: peaches is so pure
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Canola: MY BABY AGAHSJDKLDDL
Canola: these pics make me wanna quit my job and come home
DinahJ: that rhymed
Crybaby: bars af
Canola: "pupper by Normani Kordei"
NormaniK: #byepupperonitunes
Allysus: mani if you're gonna call him a puppy please say "puppy" instead of "pupper"
DinahJ: stop ruining the moment you little bitch
NormaniK: PUPPER
Canola: DOGGO
LaurenJ: lol I got salsa all over my shirt
Crybaby: too many tacos?
LaurenJ: there is no such thing as "too many tacos"
Canola: I want tacos
Allysus: don't you work at taco bell?
Canola: listen I want food, not stomach poisoning
NormaniK: they abouta fire you for throwing shade👀