I love drama sfm that's why I'm updating again😹
------------------------------------------------*Private texts between Lauren and Camz*
LaurenJ: camz why haven't you texted me all day??
Canola: I just didn't wanna disturb you and your girlfriend :')
LaurenJ: what are you talking about???
Canola: you can stop playing dumb now, I know you're with Lucy
LaurenJ: ... camz I swear I didn't plan this
LaurenJ: her family was here and my dad invited her parents to stay with us
Canola: that's not what I'm mad about, I'm upset because you didnt tell me.
LaurenJ: I didn't realize I had to tell you everything that's going on in my life??
Canola: you don't, but the fact that you're hanging out with the girl hat tried to ruin our relationship says a lot. A little heads up about her being there would've been nice.
LaurenJ: I put it on instagram, it's not like I was keeping it a secret.
Canola: you know I hardly ever go on instagram.
LaurenJ: you're over reacting
Canola: sorry I care
Canola: how would you feel if I went to hang out with one of my exes?
LaurenJ: Lucy isn't even my ex.
Canola: that's not the point, how would you feel Lauren?
LaurenJ: do whatever you want camila.
Canola: alright