Hey people 😎🌈
---------------------------------------------DinahJ: guys I'm boreeeed
NormaniK: me too :(
LaurenJ: me three! Camzi come over please :'(
DaddyC: I can't Lo, I have to study for my exams that I gotta take online
LaurenJ: you can study any day pleaseee😩
DaddyC: I'll come over tomorrow baby girl I pink promise 💗
LaurenJ: but I want you to come over now😩😩😩
Allysus: jfc Lauren stop being such a brat
Crybaby: she's brattier irl 😹
LaurenJ: daddy make them take that backkkk!!! 😩😩
DaddyC: guys guys take that back!
Crybaby: no lol
DaddyC: whelp I tried
LaurenJ: camzi come over now
DaddyC: Lo I just told you I can't!
LaurenJ: I'm not wearing any underwearrrr
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. LaurenJ: still don't wanna come?
DaddyC: well now I just wanna make you cum...
DaddyC: fine I'll be there in 10 minutes, safe word spongebob okay?
LaurenJ: spongebob got it
LaurenJ: and camz
DaddyC: yeah Lo?
LaurenJ: hurry
DaddyC: oi
DinahJ: DAMN HOW ROUGH ARE Y'ALL? Y'all really need a safe word damn
NormaniK: forget that, who makes there safe word spongebob?
Crybaby: the same girl who's twitter name was "bananalover" for a year
NormaniK: touché
Allysus: one day I want a relationship like Camren
DinahJ: same ally, same
N & M: I take offense.