Don't worry guys, y'all already know camren is endgame. I'm just spicing this up 🌶😎
--------------------------------------------------*Private texts between Lauren and Dinah*
LaurenJ: Dinah is camz home?? I fucked up real bad...
DinahJ: damn right you fucked up
DinahJ: but idk if she's here laur
LaurenJ: it's 12 am where is she???
DinahJ: calm down Laurenza, I'm sure she's around here somewhere, I'll look for her.
--------------------------------------------------No ones pov
"Mila???" Dinah called out, but when no one answered she furrowed her eyebrows, "I hope she's not still crying." Dinah mumbled as she walked downstairs into the basement. She expected to see a crying Camila but instead saw a sleeping Melanie.
"Bitch wake up!" Dinah yelled and Melanie fell out of bed with a loud thud. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Melanie asked rubbing her head as she stood up. "Where's Camila?" Dinah asked and Melanie furrowed her eyebrows, "She's home." Melanie said yawning as she sat back on the bed. "No she's not. I'm worried, it's already twelve a.m." Dinah said and Melanie's eyes went wide.
"She left for Kylie's party with Ariana four hours ago." Melanie said and Dinah glared at her, "Kylie?? As in "no one leaves any of my parties till they get laid" Kylie??" Dinah asked and Melanie rubbed her neck sheepishly. "S-She was tired of being sad and I told her that she should go out and forget about it." Melanie said nervously.
Dinah took a calm breath then all of a sudden when Melanie had let her guard down, Dinah slapped her in the back of her head. "Ow!" Melanie yelled holding the back of her head, "Why would you tell her to do that?! Camila's hurt! She's gonna do something she regrets! She's already been flirting with every single girl she has on twitter!" Dinah yelled and Melanie rolled her eyes.
"Calm down! It's only twelve, when Camila and I were single, she didn't bring girls home till at least one." Melanie said and Dinah sighed, "Alright come on, I guess we're going to Kylie's party." Dinah said and Melanie's eyes went wide.
"Right now?! I'm wearing sweats! What if someone sees me?!" Melanie asked in fear and Dinah rolled her eyes, "You're dating the Virgin Mary anyway, it's not like you have anyone to impress." Dinah said and Melanie grumbled something as they put on their shoes and walked upstairs. "Knowing Camila she's probably drunk out of her mind right now." Melanie said as they walked out of the house and got into Dinah's car.
"She's probably making her move on some girl right now." Dinah said and Melanie furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't understand why you're so upset, Camila's single now anyways." Melanie said and Dinah sighed. "She's hurt Melanie, the last thing I want Camila to do is get laid and regret it. Or worse, what if someone takes advantage of her?" Dinah asked and Melanie snorted.
"I've been friends with Camila since kindergarten. Even while drunk, she has the skills of James freaking Bond." Melanie said and Dinah sighed. "Let's just go find her." Dinah said as they pulled into Kylie's street. They parked as close to Kylie's house as they could because they both knew getting Camila and Ariana in the car was gonna be a mission.
They walked up to Kylie's door and didn't even bother knocking, when they entered the house they saw drunken teenagers dancing, some were dancing on tables, some were making out. "There she is!" Melanie yelled over the music pointing at Camila who was making out with a hot blonde. She was sitting in the middle of two blondes, and as she pulled away from the one she was kissing, she started kissing the other.
"Wow, she really can be a fuck girl." Dinah said as she watched Camila pull away and grabbed the back of the blondes heads and push them closer to each other and the two girls started making out with each other. Dinah grabbed Melanie's arm and dragged her to where Camila was, "Mila we're leaving!" Dinah yelled over the music and Camila looked up at them with wide eyes.
"Woah you guys look just like my best friends! Threesome?" Camila asked drunkenly as they both rolled their eyes. "Camila, its us, Melanie and Dinah." Melanie said and Camila shrugged, "Oh, so yes on the threesome or?" Camila asked slurring. The two blondes then cleared their throat, "Oh! Uh, one, two, three, four, five! Fivesome?!" Camila asked grinning proudly that she counted correctly.
"There will be no fivesome tonight, Camila come on, we're leaving." Dinah said as she grabbed Camila's arm and pulled her off the couch. "No!" Camila said pulling her arm away stubbornly, "Camila Cabello I swear to allysus if you don't-" Dinah started to threaten her but Melanie cut her off. "Camila if you come with us, I'll get you tacos. But first we have to find Ariana." Melanie said and Camila smiled eagerly.
"Bye Melissa! Bye the other one!" Camila said to the girls as she walked off with Dinah and Melanie to find Ariana. "Our names are Michelle and Brittany!" One of the girls yelled out, "I honestly don't care!" Camila yelled back as she turned around and continued walking.
"I found her!" Camila slurred as she ran over to Ariana who was taking shots, "We're gonna go get tacos!" Camila slurred again. "You had me t-tacos!" Ariana slurred in reply, "Alright, come on, lets go." Dinah said as her and Melanie each grabbed the drunk girls hands and walked to the door.
To say it was extremely difficult to get Camila and Ariana in the car was an understatement. But they finally did and then Dinah and Melanie got into the car themselves. "You are so pretty!" Ariana slurred, "You're prettier!" Camila slurred back. "I love you! You're a great friend!" Ariana slurred and Camila hugged her.
"I would totally date you if you had black hair, green eyes, and a thick ass!" Camila said and Melanie and Dinah exchanged looks, "I'd date you if you were Shakira!" Arian slurred and Camila laughed.
Dinah finally pulled into their driveway and sighed, "You get walz and I'll get Ari." Dinah said to Melanie who nodded. Melanie got out of the car and shut her door, she then opened Camila's door and unbuckled her seatbelt. She put Camila's hand over her shoulder so the drunk girl was leaning on her.
"Come on Mila, let's get you downstairs." Melanie said softly. After they walked downstairs, Melanie plopped Camila on the bed. "You're my best friend." Camila slurred staring at Melanie who was sitting by the bed, "You're my best friend too milz." Melanie said softly.
Camila smiled but it immediately fell, "Oh no, I know that look-" Melanie couldn't even finish her sentence before Camila shot up from bed and sprinted to the bathroom. Melanie rushed after her and pulled her hair back while Camila threw up in the toilet.
Melanie used her free hand to pat Camila's back while she continued throwing up. "Just let it out." Melanie said softly and Camila groaned as she sat up and rested her head on the toilet seat while looking up at Melanie.
Melanie cringed but decided not to say anything, "I'm an idiot." Camila said and Melanie nodded. "Yeah, you are. But I have a feeling there's a lot more to that sentence isn't there?" Melanie asked and Camila sighed.
"Why'd you get so drunk tonight Mila?" Melanie asked and Camila looked down, "I walked into that party tonight, thinking that it would be easy to get laid, and it was- except every girl that approached me at first wasn't Lauren. So I kept drinking, till it was okay that Lauren wasn't there. But now, I just feel stupid." Camila admitted, still slurring slightly.
Melanie sighed and sat down next to Camila, "Yeah, I know it sucks, and it's only gonna get harder from here. But you're not alone Mila." Melanie said softly and Camila then laid her head on Melanie's shoulder, "You'll always be here right?" Camila asked in a sad voice. "Till death do us part." Melanie said holding out her pinky.
Camila smiled and interlocked her pinky with Melanie's. "You think I make a good fuck girl?" Camila asked wiggling her eyebrows and Melanie laughed, "The greatest." Melanie said softly.