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I ran over to Steve and started licking his face and he kept turning his head to avoid me, "Bullet stop it," he scolded me, laughing.

I wagged my tail as I darted around to investigate everyone's bonds.

I knew I wouldn't be able to break Steve's or Thor's.

I rubbed my back along the Black Widows hands and she eventually got the message and grabbed one of the knives strapped to my thick bullet-proof vest.

I darted over to Hawkeye and did the same, "The dog has knives," the Widow informed him. He found one and cut the ropes, standing up with the Widow.

The pair started cutting everyone else's ropes, but Steve and Thor remained because they were in chains.

I went over to the Widow and whined, turning my head to bite at a pocket on my vest that has a lock pick.

The red head saw what I was biting at and opened the pocket and took out the lock pick.

She didn't spare me a glance as she moved behind Steve and after a few moments I heard a click and the chains fell to the floor. She moved onto Thor as I heard gunshots starting to go off in the distance.

I wagged my tail knowing help was on the way.

I ran around each of the dozen Avengers and looked for injuries, displeased to see one on a smaller male.

He was tall and had white tipped hair. There was a deep gash on his bicep that was bleeding.

I figured he must've been the one I heard whimpering from the hall.

He was still sitting down and another female was kneeled beside him looking at the wound.

I ran over and sniffed the wound before turning and grabbing a roll of gauze I had in another vest pocket.

I gently head butted the girls arm and she turned and saw the gauze. She quickly took it without question and started wrapping the deep gash.

I noted that the shots were getting closer and explosions started to be heard in the distance.

They blew up the fence, I thought to myself before hearing steps coming down the hall.

I growled in warning, everyone looked at me.

I ran to the side of the doorway taking a few steps back so I could get a running start.

Steve had his team move beside the wall right before the door swung open reveal an agent with a pistol in his hand.

He turned to me just as I leapt into the air tackling him to the floor.

He gave a cry of surprise and fired his weapon. I felt the corner of my chest burn. I could feel the bullet lodge itself into the meat of my shoulder before exiting.

I gave a snarl of pain and latched my jaws onto his throat. Silencing his cries and fights of protest.

The Captain's Friends (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now