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I barked at Steve and spun in a circle, Steve was here!

Bucky was with him, looking very pleased with himself.

The kennel handler opened my cage and I darted out of it.

The kennel handler handed Steve the leash. He hadn't dared try to put that on me after he'd seen the damage I'd done to the other kennel handler's hand.

Steve took the leash and clipped it onto the collar I'd been given when I got here. It was a dark leather.

I yawned and sat by Steve's side.

"She seems much more comfortable with you than she did with anyone here," the handler told them.

Bucky nodded, "Yeah, the guy on the phone said she bit somebody?"

The handler nodded, "He had to have stitches and is currently on medical leave,".

Steve gave a frown, "What happened?"

The handler led them to the lobby, "He was trying to take her for a walk, got in her kennel and tried to clip the leash on her. She spun around and bit his hand, it was his fault though, she'd been growling at him and showing teeth since he'd walked up to the kennel door,".

Steve and Bucky nodded in thought. "But she hasn't growled at you and you put the leash on her, so I think your fine," the handler was quick to assure him as they stood in the lobby.

There was an old dog laying in a bed in the corner.

The three stood in silence for a moment, "So I suppose this is where we part gentlemen," the handler announced as he offered a hand to Steve and Bucky.

Steve put the leash in his other hand and shook his hand. Bucky did the same when Steve had finished.

"Thank you sir," Steve told him before we left.

I walked by Steve's left side as we walked to the car.

Which was on and had someone sitting inside.

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