
13K 302 7

The team and I were patrolling the border a few miles away from camp.

I panted as I walked on the hard, dirt road. It didn't burn my paws as much as it used to.

My team were talking quietly behind me, about what they were gonna do tonight.

Our camp was stationed near a nice town that was allied with us.

I sniffed at the ground, I had stopped in front of the path that was surrounded by rocks and the wind was blowing towards the path.

I turned to face Jordan, who'd stopped. "She wants us to stay put," Jordan said as he brought his gun a little closer to his chest, tightening his grip.

"You think she smells something?" Dustin asked as he came up from the rear to be shoulder to shoulder with Jordan.

Jordan shook his head. "No, she can't get a good scent, the winds against our backs. She wants to be sure." Jordan told them as he gave me the go-ahead.

I walked forward, sniffing the ground carefully. It smelt clear...

A gun sounded distantly, and then another.

Pain erupted in my ear and I heard someone fall behind me.

I yelped, I heard someone dragging someone behind a rock as everyone else took cover. I followed suit.

"Dustin, keep your eyes open. Come one man, keep 'em open!" I heard Anthony yell.

I growled deep in my throat.

"He's not gonna last long if he doesn't get medical attention Jordan,".

I heard a fustrated noise, "A sniper hit him, it came from the West, we can get back if we go through the rocks. Camp should be that way, he said as he pointed to the East,".

The group nodded, "I'll radio camp and tell them what's up." Jacob said as he reached for the radio. He clicked the button a few times before coming to the conclusion of, "The radio's fried,".

This was followed by a series of, "God damnit!"

I heard Jordan whistle to me, I ran out of my shelter spot to see him.

Another shot was taken at me, but it missed.

"Hey Bullet, good girl." Jordan was scribbling on a piece of paper, he rolled it up and put it in my harness.

He grabbed my face, "Get this back to camp Bullet. Don't stop, go!" He told me as he pushed my face away.

I turned and took off in the direction of camp, one gun shot followed me. But only one.

I panted hard as I finally got to the camp, barking madly.

Everyone who saw me ran towards me, "Bullet!" I bit at the pouch holding the paper.

One of them got the message and opened it, he read it and read it.

He ran to the general of the camp, showing him the note.

A group of men were quickly rounded up and they headed towards where my team was.

I was runnning with them.

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