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A few hours later, it was dark out and everone was heading to bed.

Clint and the woman, I learned was Laura, warned the three children to get to bed early. If they didn't, some Santa Claus guy wouldn't come and give them gifts.

The two children scrambled while the third just looked confused.

Clint picked up the third and put him to bed.

I followed Bucky and Steve to the kitchen, where Steve filled my food bowl.

I started eating and I heard Lucky's nails slapping the floor as he ran into the kitchen.

"Food?" was all he said, Steve laughed and made him a bowl.

When I was done, I followed Bucky to his room. I always slept in Bucky's room because he let me sleep in his bed.

Steve didn't want my hair in his bed.

I curled up in a ball next to Bucky and drifted off to sleep again, maybe Steve'd play with me tomorrow.
Bucky got up early the next morning.

Steve woke him up, but I could hear excited children in the common room.

I yawned as I got up, Bucky did too.

The two of us padded into the common room, where everyone was gathered.

The three children were sitting on the floor, and Lucky had returned to my bed.

Steve called for Lucky and I in the kitchen, so I trotted over to him.

Lucky, once again, ran. Almost knocking me over.

I growled at him in warning. He seemed to ignore it in favor of jumping around, Steve was standing by the door that led to the yard.

Was he really leaving me outside with Lucky again?

It seemed so as he opened the door, Lucky ran outside.

I sat on the kitchen floor and stared at Steve. Who sighed, "Come on Bullet, just for a little bit," he told me.

"Just until the kids finish opening their presents, Clint said they have small pieces,".

I sighed before walking out the door, where Lucky was running around the yard again.

Only this time, the yard was covered in white stuff, and it was a lot colder than it had been yesterday.

I flattened my ears and turned back towards the closed door.

Steve why? Was my only thought before Lucky barked at me, "Let's play," he barked.

I twitched my ear in his direction, but otherwise, I ignored him.

Lucky continued to ask me to play, he even ran over to me to continue asking.

I continued to sit by the door to wait for Steve, or someone, to open it.

The Captain's Friends (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now