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My wounds took a little over a month to fully heal.

Clint's family had left a little after New Years, taking Lucky with them.

Steve and Bucky were taking me to the vet today to make sure I was healed. I was barely allowed to get up from my bed.

Steve carried me to the car, much to my annoyance, and Bucky drove us to the vet's office.

There were a few people waiting in the lobby, I sat on the floor to wait my turn.

There was a cat and a couple dogs also waiting their turn.

Steve and Bucky were talking to each other about a mission they were supposed to go on soon.

About thirty minutes later, my name was called.

I got up and trotted over to the vet tech who called my name. I sat by her side and looked at Steve and Bucky, who got up after I'd sat.

The woman laughed and pet my head before turning and walking down the hallway.

She led us to a room where Steve had to pick me up and put me on a table for her to look at me.

The woman looked at my ears, the scars, took my weight and listened to my heart. She frowned as she listened.

"Is there something wrong?" Steve asked, noticing her expression.

The woman shook her head, "I don't think so, has she been around any other dogs lately?" she asked, I laid down on the table.

Steve looked at Bucky and shook his head, "Other than my friends dog, but they haven't been around each other since the accident, he avoids her." Steve told her.

Bucky butted in his own comment of, "He's fixed,".

She nodded her head and walked to the door that led to the passageway in the back that led to where all the vets kept their things.

"I'll be right back," she told them before closing the door.

Almost five minutes later, a man came in, he looked a bit more official than the woman, so I guessed he was the actual veterinarian.

"Hello Bullet," he told me, offering me his hand to sniff.

After I did, he offered his hand to Steve and Bucky to shake, "I'm the main doctor here, I'm gonna check up on Bullet here," the vet picked up the stethoscope and put the metal end to my chest.

He listened longer than the woman had, he put his hand on my stomach and pressed lightly.

I flattened my ears when he did. He took the stethoscope out of his ears, "Okay, so you brought her here about a month and some change ago because of a dog attack?" he asked, Steve and Bucky both nodded.

"Is something wrong with her?" Steve asked concerned, the man shook his head.

"No, I do believe she is pregnant though, I can do an ultrasound to confirm it if you want to confirm it for sure,".

Steve and Bucky looked at each other a little surprised.

The man took the file the woman had brought in the room and took out a few pictures that were of my injuries.

He skimmed over them, and then the rest of my file.

Bucky looked at the vet, "Do an ultrasound,".

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