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The two days passed quickly, Clint left right after breakfast.

I went over to the door because Steve always took me outside to play after breakfast. But he didn't today.

I waited for about five minutes before I went to look for him.

He was in the common room, sitting on the couch...

So was most of everyone else for that fact. Tony and Bruce weren't, they were probably in the lab.

I picked up the ball we used to play fetch and walked over to Steve, sitting in front of him, tilting my head to the side.

Steve looked down at me and I whined, "We'll go outside and play after lunch," Steve promised me.

I drooped my ears and dropped my ball where I was sitting.
I got up and walked over to my bed, laying down to sulk.

There, the wait begins...
   It took Clint almost an hour to get back, and I sulked the entire time.

Steve got up from the couch when he heard the car pull in, Bucky did too.

I continued to sulk.

Natasha and Sam were in the kitchen fixing lunch when Clint and his family walked in the door.

Three children and a woman walked in, a yellow dog ran in not long after. It only had one eye, the eye seemed to be sealed shut.

Everyone got up to greet the four enthusiastically.

The dog made a B-line towards me.

I flattened my ears, but didn't move. This was my bed, mine. He couldn't have it.

The dog bounded up in front of me and bowed the front half of his body, wagging his tail profusely. What was he doing?

"Do you want to play?" the dog asked, he sounded nice...

Was this why Steve didn't want to play with me?

I lifted my head and tilted it, "Lucky! Let's go outside," I heard Clint call.

Lucky got up and ran over to Clint.

I glanced over at Steve, who waved me over to go outside as well.

I hesitantly got up and walked over to the door and outside.

This other dog sure was enthusiastic wasn't he? I thought as I walked outside to see Lucky running around the yard.

He wasn't even chasing anything...

The Captain's Friends (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now