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When we left the office, Bucky was driving us back to the house and Steve was in the front seat.

I was drowsy, but they'd SHAVED a rectangle on my belly. It was still cold outside!

"How?" was all Steve said on the ride back.

Bucky shrugged, "Maybe the dogs that attacked her?" Bucky suggested as he pulled into the driveway and into the garage.

Steve let me out of the backseat and I trotted over to the door to get inside.

Steve opened the door as Bucky hanged the keys on the hook, Natasha was in the kitchen. Which was at the end of the hall where the garage door was.

I lapped at the water I had in my bowl, Natasha watched me and as soon as Steve walked in, she asked, "Why is she naked?"

Steve rubbed the back of his neck, "She had an ultrasound done..."

Bucky entered the room and bluntly asked, "Do you want a puppy?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Explain," was all she said.

Apparently, that was all she needed to say because Steve started talking, "The dogs that attacked Lucky and her..." Steve drifted off.

Bucky, once again, bluntly finished Steve's sentence, "And they bred her. Do you want a puppy?"

Steve backhanded Bucky's stomach with a muttered, "Jerk,".

Bucky, in turn, backhanded Steve's shoulder with his metal hand, muttering, "Punk," in return.

Natasha rolled her eyes at the two.

I walked over to the back door and sat down. Natasha noticed, Steve and Bucky were to busy bickering.

Natasha got out of her chair and walked to the door, unlocking and opening it for me.

I trotted outside to use the bathroom, I heard Steve and Bucky stop their bickering.

I came back about five minutes later, sitting at the door, my belly was cold where they shaved it.

I barked once, Steve opened the door. I darted inside, I could hear the TV on in the common room.

I moved into the common room and laid down on my bed. I knew the sitting on the couch was a one time thing.

Bucky and Natasha were watching a show called 'Forensic Files', occasionally pointing out how to get away with each crime, or how stupid they were to have done it that way.

Steve was looking at the two from the corner of his eye, looking very concerned with the two people he was friends with.

I was concerned for him too, but these were the Avengers...

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