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Clint's family came back for some holiday called Valentine's Day a few days later. They brought Lucky again, he seemed to not have moved from by the door though.

Clint had even tried to call him over to go in the backyard with Lila and Cooper, but he stayed by the door whining.

I rolled my eyes, Steve went over to the back door and called for me.

I stood up and hopped out of my box, I stayed for a moment and listened. Silence. Perfect, they were still asleep.

I could feel Lucky watching me intently as I walked over to Steve.

I lingered in the doorway to the kitchen and turned my head, "Well? Are you coming or not?" I asked.

That seemed to be all Lucky needed because he ran forward and beat me to the back door.

But then again, I kept my nice walking pace.

Lucky was waiting outside for me in a play position. Much better.
Steve kept Lucky and I outside for a while, Lila and Cooper went inside not long after I got out.

It felt good to run around though, I hadn't been able to do that in a while.

Lucky seemed confused when Steve came back out.

We hadn't been outside for very long, couldn't have been much longer than half an hour.

Steve whistled for me, I started making my way back to the house in a trot.

Lucky kept pace with me, "Why are they letting us inside so early?" he wondered aloud.

I didn't answer him, instead, I made a B-line for my box. Hopping back in and laying next to my puppies, who were still quiet.

Lila and Cooper were sitting on the couch sulking though.

Now it seemed that Lucky lingered in the kitchen, unsure of how to react to me in the box.

Steve walked over a few minutes later and started filling my food bowl, which was in my box.

That seemed to be the only thing getting Lucky's attention.

Steve noticed and shook the food bag, I heard hesitant steps enter the living room.

Lucky seemed to be too skittish to approach my box though, Steve crouched and tried to coax Lucky over.

By the time Lucky finally got over and peered into the box, all he had to say was, "What are those?!"

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