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Steve had put me in the backseat with Hawkeye, AKA Clint.

Clint looked very pleased that I was in the back with him and had been petting me nonstop since I'd sat on the seat.

He'd even buckled me up. "Look guys, she's people now." Clint had said.

Steve rolled his eyes in the rear-view mirror as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Bucky turned on the radio to attempt to block out Clint's cooing at me and his horrible jokes.

About five minutes into the drive, Clint pulled out his phone and started to take selfies with me and then pictures of me.

This was going to be a long ride...
   It took what felt like forever to get to Steve and Bucky's house, which was a huge building that was surrounded by a forested area.

The Black Widow, AKA Nat, was standing outside waiting for us.

Steve got out and opened the door for me, Bucky got out and headed to the building.

Clint let out an offended noise when Bucky didn't open the door for him.

Nat took a few steps towards Bucky and asked him something, the two started talking as Steve led me to the house on leash.

Clint followed us sulking about having to open the door himself.

The inside of the building was fancy, it looked very expensive.

Steve led me through the entry room and to a living room, where there was an arch doorway that lead to a kitchen.

He took me into the kitchen and Nat, Bucky, and Clint followed suit.

The people I helped save at the base a few months back were all in there.

They all looked like they'd healed just fine too, the white haired one was wearing a long sleeve shirt.

"We're back," Steve said as he undid the leash, freeing me.

I didn't go anywhere though, I stayed by his side.

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