Chapter Thirteen

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Darkiplier's Point of View:
(Y/N) walked a little closer to me on our way to Ron's Burgers, a local burger joint. She seemed excited after I suggested it, so I guess she likes burgers, or fries, or... whatever you get at a place like that. Yeah, I don't go out much. I happened to notice it yesterday while I was passing by, and thought that (Y/N) might like to eat there.

We walked in, and I looked around. Sticky, red booths sat between greasy looking tables, the black and white checkered floor was slightly sticky in some places. It smelled of grease, and fries, the ceiling fans above turning lazily. It had a vintage '80's theme, framed posers on the wall, and a vintage jukebox in the far corner. Judging by the music playing, it still worked.

I wrinkled my nose. It was so gross in here...

"Hey, (Y/N)?"

She looked up at me, and tilted her head. "Yes?"

"Do you want to go somewhere else? It's kind of dirty in here."

She beamed, then shook her head. "No! I like it in here, come on," she took my hand, guiding me to a booth in the corner next to a window. She sat, then bounced closer to the window, giggling.

I smiled, then sat as well.

"Hello, Sugar. May I get you anything?"

I looked up at the waitress, who placed menus and napkins with silverware on the table. She had a bit of a southern drawl, which explained the little nickname. She had curly blonde hair, big, blue eyes, and a wide mouth, but I actually kinda suited her. I smiled. "Two colas, please."

She nodded, scribbling something on her little notepad. "I'll be right back."

I turned back to (Y/N), and smiled, watching her move her body to the beat. "Do you like this song, (Y/N)?"

She blinked, then blushed, looking away. "Yeah..."

I got up, going over to the jukebox, and flipped through the songs, chewing my lip. I racked my brain for an old song, looking for anything familiar. I blinked, then grinned, digging into my pocket for a quarter. I put it in, then selected the song, walking back to the table.

(Y/N) blinked, watching me. "What song is this?"

"The Heart of Rock 'n' Roll, by Huey Lewis and the News. It's a personal favorite," I smiled, and watched (Y/N) as she giggled, moving her body side to side to the beat.

"'New York, New York is everything they say,
And no place that I'd rather be
Where else can you do a half a million things.
And all at a quarter to three
When they play their music, ooh that modern music,
They like it with a lot of style,
But it's still that same old back beat rhythm,
That really drives them wild!'"

(Y/N) stared at me, eyes wide as I sang, moving my arms and head to the song, grinning.

"'They say the heart of rock and roll is still beating,
And from what I've seen I believe 'em.
Now the old boy may be barely breathing,
But the heart of rock and roll is still beating.'"

I stood, and did a spin, stopping and facing her. (Y/N) giggled, and stood as well, taking my outstretched hand. I took her other hand, and lifted her to step on my feet. She grinned up at me, and allowed me to step to the beat, dancing to the song, and spinning her every once and a while. She hummed to to chorus, giggling madly when I spun her.

I laughed when the song ended, and she took a bow to the other customers, who clapped, and whistled. I stood, running a hand through my hair self consciously, then blinked when she grabbed my hand, tugging me down to bow with her. I glanced over, and smiled.

"Sir? Are you two ready to order?"

I glanced up, then grinned. "Two cheese burgers, and fries."

Our waitress nodded, then winked. "Ya'll don't have too much fun over here."

I grinned down at (Y/N), who giggled. "We won't!"

She was... Absolutely adorable. My god... Anti is going to kill me when he finds out.

I sorry its kinda short. I am a little busy, but men! I have sooooooo many plans for Dark! A big one that I absolutely love!~ ooooohhh...! Those of you who read some of my other stories with Dark in it, might be a little skeptical. 0w0 good!

Thanks for reading! I'm on the clock, so I hope you enjoyed! Later!

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