Chapter Three

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Antisepticeye's Point of View:
I yelped, having been awoken by a face-full of floor. Groaning, I pushed myself off the floor, then rubbed my cheek. Sitting back against the couch, I sighed. Yet another one of those dreams...

Standing, I stretched, arching my back, and reaching up to the ceiling. Once a bit more relaxed, I staggered to the kitchen, and started the coffee. Jack used to make it with the stove, but a coffee pot is much quicker. He said "It tastes better". Honestly though, how does he drink that shite black? Way too bitter...

I leaned against the counter, and looked out to the hallway, my door in my sights. No noises came from my room, so I assume (Y/N) is still asleep. Yawning, I went to my door, and cracked it open. Peering in, I found (Y/N) asleep. Just as I thought. I closed the door, then went back to the kitchen, and pulled a mug out from the cupboard.

I poured my coffee, added creamer, then sat on the couch, and spaced off as I sipped my sweetened, brewed drink. How could I go from trying to scare a kid shitless to saving 'em, then letting them stay in my place? I scowled. Must've been him... I wouldn't be surprised.

Finishing my cup, I got myself another, then sat back down. That dream... always the same. It never changes. Running. So much running. I stop at a dead end, and spin, breathing heavily. I scream at the people before me, there guns pointed at me. "I didn't do it! I didn't fooken' do it! Stop! Stop! STOP!"

I gasped, dropping my mug. It shattered on the floor, coffee and porcelain going everywhere. I stared at my shaking hands, panting. D-don't think, Anti... Don't think. Y-you're fine, now. Fine. It's alright, now...


Looking back, I stared at (Y/N) who was watching me, eyes wide. She clutched the edge of her shirt tightly, her little body tense.

I swallowed, then calmed my breathing, clenching and unclenching my hands. "H-hey, (Y/N). I didn't realize you were up. Did I scare you?"

She nodded slowly, her (E/C) eyes unsure.

I chuckled, then stood. "Sorry. I just had a bad dream that scared me, too. Why don't you go back to the room while I clean this up? Wouldn't want you to get hurt again, would we?"

Shaking her head, she went back to my room. I sighed, slumping, and rubbing my eyes. The fook am I going to do...?

(Y/N) Point of View:
I crawled back into Anti's bed, and sat. Anti is kinda strange... but he's nice, even if he was scary when I first saw him.

His eyes are black, but the color part of his eyes are bright green, and he doesn't have the black circles in the center. His hair it green, and he has it flipped over to one side. He has big ear-rings in his ears, but they're really cool looking.

I giggled. His voice sounds a little funny too. Like fooking. "Heh," I giggled. "Fooking."

"(Y/N)? You can come out now. I cleaned it all up."

I scrambled out of his bed, then rushed back into the living room. The broken mug and the brown liquid was gone; all cleaned up. I looked up at Anti and smiled.

He looked away, but smiled too. "Let me make you something to eat, real quick. Then we'll get you dressed, and we'll find your parents. Sound good?"

I nodded. "Yeah! Sounds great."

I wonder where they went...

I held Anti's hand as we crossed the street. Looking around, I frowned. I was sure this was the right one...

"Not the right one?"

I shook my head, and sighed. "No," I looked up. "Anti? Am I going to find my parents again?"

"Of course you are, (Y/N)! There is no doubt about it," he smiled softly.

I looked down, and nodded. "Okay."

Antisepticeye's Point of View:
After a while, I took (Y/N) back to my place. She's watching tv at the moment, but isn't all that happy...

Damn. How am I going to find them when she doesn't even know where she lives?

I blinked, looking at her. "(Y/N)? What's your last name?"


"What's your Dad's name?"


I nodded, then rushed to my room, and started my computer. Bouncing my leg up and down, I waited impatiently for the damn thing to start up, then hurriedly put in my password. I went into the Internet, and typed in the name.

You can find people online just by typing in a name. The only problem is figuring out the right person, but (Y/N) can help me with that. I frowned. (L/N)... (L/N). Why does that sound familiar?

I clicked a link, and found a list with people with the same name. Frowning, I glanced at the top and sighed. I can narrow it down.

Male... I'm going to say mid thirties... US... Married...

I clicked the go button, then nodded. The list was much smaller now, but still a lot. The first name though intrigued me. It's the guy who works as a CEO for a big, phone company. No wonder the name's familiar...

"(Y/N)?" I called. "Can you help me for a minute?"

She stepped in. "What?"

"Where does your Dad work?"

She frowned, tilting her head. "Uh... a phone company. I think Mom said something about a CEO... whatever that is."

I grinned, then clicked on his name, watching as his information started to load on the screen. Worst case scenario, we go to his work. Heh. What could go wrong?

Wouldn't hold your breath, Anti.

I shook my head, casting him aside. "Alright, (Y/N). Grab your bag. We are going to your Dad's work place," I scribbled the address down on my hand, then stood. We're getting you home, one way or another.

Hello, there! ^-^ So. A little bit more into the voice in Anti's head, huh? And that nightmare... a little strange.

Thank you so much for reading! I actually want to give a shout out to @TicciTaylor, who is my sister in all ways. All of my friends are, of course, or brothers, but Tay is someone I also ship with Anti. If he were real... anyway, she has amazing stories, and has a great personality. Check her out! Tell her I sent ya'! ;)

Anyway, thank you for reading! I love seeing people enjoy my stories! You are what keeps these books going! ^-^ thank you!

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