Chapter 18

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As soon as i heard the words "The Lake" i registered the fact that i was either dead, or spending the rest of my life at the lake. I suppose i should have expected this, as it had been my reality scince they picked me out of that warehouse that felt like another world. But the reality of it didnt mean i wasn't going to fight it, kicking and screaming, all the way there. As soon as the guards had registered that Cale had spoken to me and not given me a hug goodbye, we were each whisked away to the big trucks. Sitting in the back of the truck that was so big compared to my small frame was almost comical, and i remembered what Mr. Mitchell had said only moments before we left the compound. He decided that our love story had indeed pacifed the people, and they were completely sold on the Runners-turned-back-to-normal-people act. But i knew that it was not the people that we had to fool, it was Officier Mitchell, and the Golden. And that plan was doomed from the beginning. Mostly, becuase they knew Runners werent the horrible dangerous creatures of the night that the people of the Dominion saw us as, we were just people rebellling from the sytem. Only that system was the one they worshipped, and worked at the top end of. So, instead i knew it would end this way, and while i sat there, jumbo belt scraping my collarbones, i closed my eyes and tried to envision the lake. My eyes snapped open as I heard a gruff voice over the intercom. Officer Mitchell.

"Officier Mitchell, report to: Miss May, Mr. May, and Mr. Henderson, listen up. You are coming to the Lake, and we will make an example of a Runner that changed into a decent.. civillian. It will be a lot easier for everyone if we all.. co operate." I could hear the sarcastic tone even though his voice was scratchy over the speakers. "We will tell them how you changed for the better, and that someday they should strive to achieve this too. There will be a dinner at the Golden Headquarters at the Lake to celebrate, and from there you will be sent back to the city to meet President Henderson, and he will inform you and your.. friends of where you will be living. Ultimately he will decide what is to happen with you." My mind churns as i realise i may come out of this alive, i was thinking the worst about coming to the lake, but i still found it fishy that no one here believed i was recovered. How would officier Mitchell leave me be? He hates me. But maybe they all truly valued the Presidents opinions. Maybe Cale was wrong. "I will meet you there, and Miss May, remember i still have my opinion on you." I still have my opinion on you. My world swayed, all my breif sparks of hope that i would end this trip alive in vain. I knew what that meant. He wants me dead, and he doesnt care who orders my safety. I know he wants to kill me on this trip. But i will escape before he has the chance. I will do what I have always known i had to do. I have to run.

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