Chapter 28

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Luckily Ketsia's people on the inside were properly informed about the times the guards switched over, and i got past the wall and nearly into the city before the sun rose. I decided to get back into my routine of sleeping in the day and travelling only at night. I was surely still a commonplace face in these streets, either for my time as a runner or my false "redeeming qualties" i had gained while being falsly in love with a golden soldier. I bet after we had "gone missing" they would have annonced us officially dead, they couldnt have it known that a golden prodigy and an ex-runner had escaped now could they? My entire trek into the city was lonely, i had never walked these streets without my brother by my side, and it felt like a limb was missing, the one who held me upright. But with my lonliness came my guilt and fear for my brother. I wanted him to be safe, i hoped he was still intact. Mr. Mitchell was a cruel man, and i hoped his anger over Cale and I's dissapearance wasn't being taken out on Alex. I knew the best option was to find Mr. Mitchell, and offer him a deal that he couldnt refuse. I knew he hated me, and i knew death by his hands would be lengthy and painful. But that wasnt what i was afraid of. I was afraid for my brother, i was afraid he wouldnt accept my deal. My life for Alex's. A fair trade? I think so. I only hoped that old, rough, sick man would agree. It was my last resort.

I found myself wandering to the place i knew I would find him, and he knew he would find me. I gravelled for a while, before stepping into the old warehouse that Cale, Alex and I had been taken from that night. He would be watching. I knew he would. So i walked in, right into the centre of the dusty old building, and blinked my flashlight 3 times. Then i waited. I think i waited for about an hour, but i couldnt be sure. It was horrible, standing alone, waiting for the man that wanted to kill you and your loved ones, was excited too, even. But he finally showed, and alone, but i presumed there would be reinforcements waiting outside in case i made a mistake, and tried to run. No, i wouldnt be runnning. Not this time. My eyes raked his face, looking for any give, but his expression was hard as stone, except for the small sarcastic smirk he always seemed to wear around me.

"Charlie May. Well i'll be." His voice literally made goosebumps appear on the exposed skin of my arms. But i could not let my fear show.

"Officer Mitchell, what a pleasure." I ensued his sarcastically polite tone.

"No no, the pleasure is mine. Please, Miss May, excuse me if this sounds rude, but what exactly do you have to offer me?" He said in his deep voice, apbruptly his smile faded as he continued, "But please, before you answer, do not play games with me Charlie. I am not in the mood."

"I know you have my brother, and i am prepared to offer you a deal." I say.

His loud fake-laugh boomed in the large warehouse, echoing around, making it that much creepier. His blistered fingers gestured around the room. "What could you possibly think would make me give you your fiery tempered brother back?"

"Myself." I say, "Isnt it obvious? Im here, waiting for you, please let my brother go free, out into the Lake, and I will stay here, you can do with me what you will. Kill me if so be."

"Oh my dear, i will definitley be killing you," He says "killing you" as it is something as generic as a paint colour, with no give in his words, "Its just a matter as of when."

We stood across from eachother quite far apart, not as far as you would be in casual conversation, but closer than i am comfortable with. This man has an aura that makes you fear for your life without even speaking a word. I watched his stone features deliberate, eyes closed, taking the kind of time someone without a care in the world would. His eyelid flittered open, those eyes that look right through you, staring me down.

"I accept." He says, but i have the gut instinct not to trust him. No turning back now. I push the feeling down, and nod at him. I wouldnt dare shake his hand. The hand that has probably killed hundreds.

"Come with me." He says, and turns, gesturing for me to follow.

"Where is my brother?" I ask, treading on thin ice. He whirls back around and stares me down.

"Your awfully insistent for someone with so little to give, Charlie May. But i admire that quality in you. He is fine, for goodness sakes. He will be released soon enough. But you, my dear, i have big plans for you." He then turned and walked away, i scrambled to keep up with him. big plans for you. My mouth suddenly felt desert dry.

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