Chapter 26

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I used my time working to think of how exactly I would get Alex out. I had 2 plans, but i was kidding myself with the second.

For Plan A (the one i was banking on) I decided that I would ask ketsia if I could leave, explain I needed to be with my brother first and foremost, but that I could feed her information on the situation with president Henderson's whispered and rumoured assassination attempt. if she complied, I supposed she would let me free.

if not, I had to ask Cales help. That was plan B and i did not want to do that, for reasons i couldn't admit to myself. I would hurt him so much if i left, but i wasn't just that.

I honestly don't know how I could look him in the eye and tell him I had to go, without the promise I would first warn his father. Hiding it from him this long has been harder than i ever thought possible. But going out there, going back, knowing what i knew, and not trying to help him at all? That was utterly unforgivable and I knew it. I was too selfish to lose Cale because of that, as i already felt so alone. I wouldn't be able to get to the president, if my sole purpose is to get Alex out alive. I wont have time, i still may not even do that still having the element of surprise.

I felt guilty, so, so guilty. it was the reason i had stayed away from him for so long.

He would do it for me, he would put me before his own family.

But I wouldn't do it for him, and to that I knew Ketsia would have to agree to let me out, there was no other way.

The night i told her, it was suprisingly cool. I stood outside her office, it was about 6pm, and she was still at work, but most people were eating supper. I knocked three times on her door, and she called out to tell me to let myself in. I sat in the chair across the desk from her, and fiddled with a stray piece of thread in my hands. Sweat begun to bead on my forehead even though it was cold out.

Ketsia spoke first, "Charlie, what brings you here at this time of night? shouldn't you be eating?" her words like honey.

"Yes, but I have an important question to ask you."

"You look nervous, what is it?" She asked, her eyes boring into mine.

"I don't know if this has ever been asked before, but I need to leave."

I couldn't see her face as I said it, as i was looking down at the tops of my boots. I knew she wouldn't misunderstand.

"I thought this was coming," I breathed a sigh of relief as she spoke, "But I have to warn you I can't help you out there, you will be on your own." I nodded showing her I understood. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I explained to her why, and offered my help.

"No no, there is no need, we have some people over there already keeping a careful eye on the situation. they won't do anything until absolutely necessary, otherwise they would give away years of work. But thank you"

"No, Thank you. For everything." I said.

"Don't worry. When do you two plan on leaving?" my heart sunk as she said the word two.

"Its just going to be me going." i correct her. She looked shocked, but composed herself quickly. She had this important air about her that drew you in, and she knew how to handle surprises, I gathered.

"I'm sorry for my mistake, but I just assumed..." She said, her words trailing off, "... he doesn't know does he." She says, as it finally sinks in.


"I trust your desicion Charlie, and I hope you are okay out there. I also hope you are sure, and ...I hope you know what you are leaving behind." She said gravely.

I stood up to leave, and told her I was going to leave in the morning sometime, but as I was leaving she stopped me, her voice not loud but filling the room with such certainty I could hear it from the rooftops. My feet stopped mid-turn.

"Look after yourself Charlie, and I just want to say it was nice to meet you," she too knew there was a slim chance I would make it back. "I don't know if he will forgive you." she added, but I knew it was coming. I nodded, and with that I left.

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