Chapter 31

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My boots make a soft clunk as i made my way down the halls of my prision. I feel as if this place is beginning to make me lose sight of what i have to do. I have tried everything to get even a smidge of information from anyone here, and i am beginning to lose faith in Officer Mitchell and I's arrangement. I bet Alex is already dead, and i was foolish enough to offer myself up to be killed, served on a platter. No, i cant afford to think like that. If he was gone, I am sure that i would know. I re-enter my room, such a luxurious space, but i am sure it is not for my good. It was for my humiliation. I paced the room, knowing today was the day that President Henderson was scheduled for assasination. I am sure that he will heed my warning, but even so, so many things could go wrong. For example, if Officier Mitchell found out that i knew about his plan, and had then gone on to warn the President and possibly stop the plan from working at all? I would be dead without a second glance. I wondered why i wasnt yet, maybe they were preparing for something extravagant. I sigh loudly and sit down on the bed of down. And then i hear it. Boom! the loudness cracks in my ear drums, and i jump a little at the sound, though far enough away i had nothing to fear, but loud enough anyone within a 5 mile radius would be incinerated. Then it clicked. It was time, I ran to the window of my room, and remembered it was sealed shut and blacked out. Great. I moved quickly to the door of my room and banged loudly on it. My fist connected with the door over, and over, and over again. The door swung open and my guard, a different one than usual, grabbed me by my arms, that were pulsing with addreniline. I took in my surroundings; it was chaos. People were running everywhere, frantic, there were soldiers trying to calm everyone, but it was useless. It is human nature to panic. I see my opportunity and grab it. With all the chaos, would anyone even notice a small 16 year old girl and her big brother escaping? My mind says no. I quickly twist my body around, slamming my knee into my guards side. He does what i hope, distracted by the madness, and was suprised when i hit him, again and again, as he fell to the ground groaning, I am nearly away when his hand catches my foot. I cant let him get me down I turn and jump on his hand with my oher foot as hard as my small body will allow. His grip goes limp. I spend no precious time turning to see if he is okay and i sprint down the halls, frantically trying to rack my brain for Alex's old room number, as i pass it i skid to a halt and run back to the room number. I am sure this is it, i just hope i know Officier Mitchells sick mind enough to hope he would be keeping Alex in his old room aswell. I move to try and pry open the door, tears in a constant stream down my face, but i know it is useless. You cant get into these rooms with your bare hands. I have to steal a key from someone. I turn around to retrace my steps back to the guard i had just brung down, in hopes of getting a key off him. But as i turn around, i slam right into the arms of a Golden soldier.

I was frustrated to say the least, i had maybe come so close, but yet so far. Boy was i relieved though that this soldier wasnt there to hurt me, rather to restrain me and take me back to see the - thankfully, alive and unharmed - President. I was suprised to be led into a dark room, no more than a mere 2 metres wide, and sat down at a chair across from the president. The small quarters must have made it uncomfortable for the bigger guards, but i was used to- and fitted in well- the small space. It was he who broke the silence first. "Our second meeting in two days, Charlie. What a welcome suprise. I dont know how to thank you enough for what you have done for me, you literally saved my life." His face was full of scincerity and thanks. "But, please, tell me how you did it. How did you know? Who was it? Why?"

I reflexively lean back in my chair still to full of addrenaline and sadness over the fact i couldnt get to Alex while i had the chance to fully take in all the questioning. He must have seen that on my face. "I don't-" I start

"-You are right, I am sorry for all the interrorgation. You must be shaken up. Being taken in here like a prsioner, I am sorry." I nodded, taking the apology graciously. little did he know i had been a prisioner for quite a while here. "Tell me, how can i repay you?"

I knew instantly exactly what i wanted to ask, but i doubted it would be taken lightly. I sighed, and started, unsure how to word it. "Well you see, i came here for, you know.." I couldnt get the words out, "It would be too much to ask of you, sir." I say.

"Nothing is too much, i would not be here if not for you." He says, and i decide to ask him anyway.

"I would like for you to let my brother and I into the Lake safely."

It was obviously not what he had been expecting, and it was a long silence untill he spoke again.

"I don't know if i can do that."

"It is all i want." I say, "I will never disturb you again."

He looks at me for a long time, and then i think i see it click in his brain. I think he knew it all along, I think he knew that Cale was at the Lake too. I just don't think he ever admitted it to himself. But as i could see, he finally caved.

"If you are sure this is what you want.." My face didnt show any signs that i would change my descison. "Then i am happy to oblige. I will take you both there tomorrow. Stay safe." He adds. Keep Cale safe, you mean.

I stand to shake his hand, and offer my thanks. I leave soon after, knowing he wasnt exactly happy with my choice of redemption wishes. Two men lead me out of the small room, and i walked silently back to my room, only to be stopped in the middle of the hallway, with the feeling that someone was behind me. I felt the top of the gun on the centre of my back, cold and insistent. His hot breath in my ear as he whispered the words, "Oh no, Miss May. You my dear, are in a lot of trouble."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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