Chapter 13

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We lay back on his bed staring at the ceiling, our legs hanging off the end.

"Look, i havent been completely honest with you Charlie, and I'm sorry for that. I never wanted you to feel like I was the person that the Dominion labelled me. Thats why I left. Travelling with Runners like you and Alex this past few weeks has been great." He speaks quietly.

"You know, your awfully mysterious about everything, what do you mean "Left the Dominion" Who exactly are you Cale?" I had known really, not to trust anyone all along. That was the most basic rule for a Runner to live by and I had blown it. Of course i had. But laying here, in a prision cell, not sure if i would survive the night, i honestly didn't mind.

"I left the dominion because i didn't agree with everything my Father wanted for me, wanted for everyone. I hated living like a caged animal, every desicion made for me, my life planned out and given to me in a notebook.." His voice trailed off at the end, and i turned my head to look at him. His gaze was locked on the ceiling. I knew the feeling, I had lived the same life he did. Just a little lower class.

"And your father is?"

"President Henderson." My face fell slack, and i shut my eyes. I saw the Runner i believed Cale was turn into a suited man, living in high class while the rest of us lived poorly, barely making it by. But i knew this image of him would never be true. But i still wondered, was Cale a well-used soldier, going out to find Runners like my brother and I, just to lure us back here to our death? I didnt believe that could be who the boy laying beside me was.

"But how did you get shot?"

"I was on a mission from the Dominion to secure the area, it was suspected someone had seen Runners in the area. Generally accusations like this were not true, desperate people crying for protection and attention, or so they say," He looked across at me, eyebrows raised. "I think the dominion put these "sightings" out there to remind the public of the "dangers" of Runners. Nonetheless i did my job. I was around the area you were, completely unaware there were actual Runners mere metres away from me, when i saw a Golden soldier like myself push a young poor civillian girl back near her home, he pushed her forward with his gun a her back. Her eyes were big, blue. Much like yours, Charlie." I looked away. "I couldn't watch it anymore. I went for him, and as i pushed him down, his gun went off and boom, right on my shoulder. And thats when you found me."

I milled it over in my head, my gut instinct didnt tell me he was lying.

I believed him, but I know Alex wouldn't, so I turned my head to face him, but he was already looking my way. His big green eyes stared at me, I saw no deception in them.

"Pinky promise we don't tell Alex?" I ask.

"Are you sure that would be the best thing, you know, considering." He said.

"I don't care what Alex thinks anymore. Promise?" I hold my pinky out. His pinky tangles with mine. I knew I could trust him, not like I could go back now anyway.

We lay there for a long time, talking about things, voicing our opinions on the dominion loudly, sure that we were on camera. It was nice to just lay and chat, but every once in a while I could feel Cales eyes on me, looking serious, and the minute I looked at him he smiled a goofy smile. I still knew I shouldn't trust what he had to say but I did anyway, there was something that made me stay. I didn't know what was going on, he was the myserious guy after all. Talking here in the place I should be dreading, was as easy as breathing. It should not be this way, not at all. I knew why, but I wouldn't admit it to myself, because that would mean I would have to worry about yet another person surviving, and that is something I could not afford to think about.

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