Chapter 8

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His rough hands grab me, and I try to pull away, but I am small and slim, and he is tall and bulky. It is a fight I know I will not win, but I fight anyway. Alex was right, I think as the man knees my stomach, and I drop into a crouch, clutching at my sides. My head swirls, dizzyness from the pain, and my palms are slick with sweat. All I can think of is death, it surrounds my thoughts, looking for a way in. The golden soldier is about to punch me, in the head this time, and I wrench my eyes closed, tensed for the blow. I hear the mans fist connect to something, only it isn't my face. I open my eyes to see Cale struggling to keep the man at bay. I stand ready to help him, but he pushes me away and I stumble back. It is all I can do too keep quiet, we were extremely lucky no one has heard this, and I wasn't about to ruin it. Cale and the golden soldier continue to fight, and I watch, deathly afraid, not for myself, but for Cale. The boy who saved my life. I needn't worry though, as it seems Cale knows exactly what the man will do before he even makes the move, like he himself has known the same actions his whole life. Where the man poises to attack, Cale is one step ahead. It fascinates me, and soon the Golden man is on the ground, Incapacitated.

Cale turns around and grabs my arm, pulling me back into the safety of the bushes.

"They'll be on us in minutes if they aren't already." Cale says,

"The Golden?" I ask, stupid question.

"Yes. Now, please be nice Charlie, but i'm gonna need you to give me my gun." He says, his voice like velvet.

"No way!" I say, pulling away from his grip on my arm.

"I just saved your life didn't I? Why would i kill you know, i could have left you there." He says.

"OK." I say, handing over the gun.

"Thank you," He says, grabbing my arm again, "Lets go."

He leads me down the streets i never knew existed before, and I wondered how in the world i had missed them. After a while of running, something clicks in my head. The panic of the moment before made me miss things that i should'nt miss. My stomach curled as i pieced it together.

"Why are we alone Cale?" I ask, wary to say the name. I knew i shouldnt have trusted him, i gave in too easily. And now here he is, armed, holding my arm, completely in control of the situation. I suddenly feel red hot anger, mixed with fear.

"Were not Charlie, i'm right here." He says, looking at me like a madman.

"Don't mess with me Cale, where the hell is Alex? You thought i would'nt notice, Huh?" My voice is higher than it should be in our setting.

He rolls his eyes, and turns to me. Looking even taller in the dark alley.

"I left him behind, he's okay, Charlie. He would'nt let me come and.. check on you. He did'nt believe me when i said I had seen a Golden soldier, he told me they were never here when you were kids. Said you were fine on your own. So I kind of.. " He puts his hand around his neck, looking at me sheepishly.

"What, what did you do to him?" I ask, impatient.

"Well, i couldnt let you die, after you helped me! So I made sure he would let me go.."

I frown. Suddenly understanding. "You knocked him out, really?" I ask, knowing this wouldnt help the situation with Alex at all.

"Don't be dramatic, I locked him in a garden shed." He says.

"Wow, daring." I say, a small smile finally breaking over my face "Thank you, by the way, for back there."

He looked suprised, like he didn't expect me to say that. He looked me in the eyes and said. "Well, know you and I are equal."

"How so?" I ask

"I saved your life you saved mine."  then he says, "But honestly, I couldn't let that nearly happen, I won't let it get that far again." He says protectively.

I drop my eyes to look at the tops of my boots as i scuff them along the ground.

"You always do that when your nervous, don't be. The Golden won't be tracking us know, we got out quick enough." He re-assures me.

Odd how he noticed that wierd trait of  mine, but also odd how he also misunderstood completely why I did it.

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