Chapter 11

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A soldier came in a few hours later, I hadn't slept a wink, worried about Alex, and Cale too. I mean, I didn't want to save his life and then have him die at the hands of the golden anyway. He led me down a cold corridor to a small room with a table, and 3 seats. I walked in, expressionless, as I saw Cale in a seat near me. I sat down next to him and looked over, his head down looking at his hands, but he did not move, so I turned back. A tall man with glasses, no older than 37, sat in the seat across from Cale and I. He had many badges embroidered on his jacket, all placed directly over his heart. I looked right into his eyes.

"Good evening, my name is Officer Mitchell, I hope you have found your stay accommodating?" He says to me, his deep voice echoing in the room. He was the sort of man that made you shake in your boots, no matter what he said. I didn't reply to him and kept our gazes locked. He chuckled and looked across to Cale.

"Feisty isn't she?" Cale didn't move an inch.

"Ok then, as you two wont answer me, ill just move on then," He shuffled in his seat, and looked back at me, looked at me like I was a little girl.

"Now sweetie, you've been into a whole heap of trouble. So young, so much talent wasted." He shook his head mockingly, and then leaned close to my face. "I bet you may have become a golden officer one day, but instead you chose this," He gestured to Cale. "Cale here, has also made this terrible decision." 

The alcholhol in his breath washed over me, but I did not flinch. "This has nothing to do with Cale." Damn, my voice had broken, I hadn't said a word all day.

He laughed again, a big menacing chuckle, and looked at Cale, eyes big and daring. "Oh doesn't it? Please inform Miss May of how much it does have to do with you, Cale."

He looked up finally, and I saw the black marks on his face, bruises. He grabbed the man, his hands wrapping around his neck, "Let her go, your right this is all my fault, so this has nothing to do with her." His jaw was taught, but his eyes were fighting even harder. I knew what would be going through the mans head. A Runner will only ever think of themselves, they will risk our lives for nothing. I think maybe he would be surprised that we travelled together, but as Cale's hands form red rings on his neck, the mans face does not change. His eyes do not waver, he doesn't look surprised that this happened at all. Two men burst through the door at that moment, and held Cale back, setting him back in his seat, chaining his hands to it.

The man swept his jacket off and looked into Cales eyes. "You sir, forget you are here, in my territory now, you cant run, you can't hide, and you certainly can't tell me what to do." He smirks.

"I'm truly sorry miss May for Mr. Henderson's erratic and impolite behaviour. He has always been that way."

Mr. Henderson. Henderson. I recognise the name.  "He has always been that way" Has always been that way? How does he know of him? Has he been caught before?

"What are you doing with us, where is my brother?" I question him.

"No no no, Charlie, I ask the questions darling." he says sarcastically. "But if you must know, your brother is in his own room, angry thing isn't he? Keeps shouting nonsense, Charlie this, Charlie that, intends on breaking everything, he has poor manners that boy." I breathe a sigh of relief, he is okay.

I reach my hand over to touch Cales, his knuckles white holding tightly onto the seat. It is my way of assuring him I am okay, as is Alex. He pulls his hand away, and I tuck mine securely in my pockets again. The man notices the exchange with wide eyes, and looks into mine, but as if he is looking right through me. Maybe he is shocked that Runners would stick together, it  is rare. That makes it dangerous.

"Anyway, back to the matter at hand. We know who you are Miss May, and your brother too. Interesting really, that you would chose to travel with him." He gestures to Cale. "Of all people. I think you know of your crimes against the Dominion, so I will not list them for you. But please understand that these things do not go un punished, a runner like yourself will know that i'm sure."

"Are we done here?" Cales raspy voice interjected.

"Almost, young man. I will see you two tomorrow, so rest up. We have a big day ahead of us, who knows, maybe we decide your future."

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