Chapter 23

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After Cales detailed explination, we got up for breakfast, and were brought to meet his Aunt. I was nibbling on a piece of toast when Ketsia arrived. She walked into the room with the grace of royalty, her long limbs almost doll-like, and her long hair fell to her hips in a river of caramel. She was magnificent, I could see the resemblance to cale in her warm eyes and facial srutcture. "Welcome, Charlie, Cale, we have been expecting you." From the way she spoke I knew she must be important. "Last night was a bit chaotic, but I see you made it here un-injured. You are Lucky, many that attempt to come here now don't make it, and if they do they are severly injured." A sad look washes over her face. "But, I am so glad you made it, Cale it is lovely to finally meet you." She walked over to Cale and pulled him into a tight embrace. "You will be safe here, my darling." Cale smiled and stepped back to look at her. "My Ketsia, you look well. Thank you, for everything, but unfortunately as you can see.." He trailed off.

"Yes, yes. You are missing someone. I am afraid there is not much we can do about that, we can try and fix something soon. I am sorry for this, but please, sit, relax, its been a long few years for you I presume."

The brief moment that Ketsia brought up Alex was all that was mentioned about him, and soon Cale and Ketsia shared stories, talked as they had been for years, as I sat back, watching the two with big blue eyes, happy in the relaxtion around me. Yes, things were still tense, but we had found a place that I never knew existed before, and that was something I couldn't quite wrap my head around.

That night Cale and I were moved from a small room close to the huge wall between the Lake and The Dominion, to Ketsias large (Well, large for the Lake) home, and ushered to a guest bedroom of our own. I frowned at the large double bed as Cale walked in behind me. "Does she know this" I pointed between the two of us, "Isn't real?"

"Well, no, but if you would like I can see if I can find somewhere else to stay?" He says,

"No, you don't have to, its nice to have a place to stay without thinking someone will kill me in my sleep. I don't mind." I was too exhausted to care.

I flumped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Life had changed more drastically than I could imagine. Cale lay beside me, "Ketsia likes you." He says, suprising me. "I can tell."

"And why would that be?"

"She knows everything you've been through, yet you sit there calm, as if you haven't had any problems, she admires your strength." He smiles, happy with the knowledge.

"About those problems.. how are we going to fix this, Cale?" I ask, my voice almost a whisper.

"I don't know, I suppose.. I suppose we wait. Officier Mitchell will say something eventually, he knows how to get to us if he needs to." My stomach dropped as I remembered the words he had told me to pass on to Cale. Should I tell Cale? Or would it be too much for him to handle, he already has so much to deal with. No, he doesn't need to know. This will be the secret I keep from him, for his own good.

I just hope it isn't the secret that destroys our friendship.

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