An Old Friend

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Homeworld was very different than when I left. I expected it though. Homeworld was known for being an up-to-date planet. As I got off the scooter, a few guards came up to me.
"Do you have an ID?" A Citrine asked. I nodded. I handed them my ID. They looked at it and gave it back to me.
"I see," The Amethyst said.
"You were the gem assigned to fuse with a Sapphire," I nodded. They both looked at each other.
"Because you were able to do the impossible, fusing with another gem, our tactics have changed. Thank you," they both said in unison.
"What?" I asked, completely lost. The both grinned at me then looked at each other. They high-fived each other and their physical forms began to fuse.
"Woah, an Ametrine?!" I said astonishingly. (Not a ship, these are actual quartz gemstones that are fused lol)
"Alright, knock it off you two," someone said from behind.
"Sorry, Rut." (Rutile Quartz) They apologized, un-fusing.
"You're glad that I caught you guys and not Pras (Prasiolite)." Rut said, folding her arms. Rutile just noticed I was there.
"Ruby? Is that you?" She asked. I nodded.
"Dude! Where've you been?! We've been so bored without you. Every one'll love to hear that you're back!" Rut exclaimed. She and I started talking. I put Sapphire's gemstone in my back pocket until I got back to my house.

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