いち + 01 + GORGEOUS

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it was rather busy in the Jeon household round about this time of year. Ms Jeon was rushing around the kitchen making batches upon batches of cookies for a yearly neighbourhood party she hosts. her son, Jeon Jeongguk, didn't do much to help with this event but he was never allowed after an incident a couple years ago involving a cupcake recipe and natural clumsiness.

"don't overwork yourself, mum. your food is perfect" Jeongguk said as he slipped into the kitchen and stole a cookie from one of the numerous trays before being scolded by his mother. he chuckled as he shovelled the stolen cookie into his mouth before his mother could snatch it back.

"Jeon Jeongguk, those aren't for you. well, at least not for today" Ms Jeon quickly told the boy off before going back to reading a cake recipe and checking her ingredients. Jeongguk sighed before placing himself on a nearing seat at the dining table. he was clad in his school uniform and had his blazer under his arm due to the hot summer weather. due to being a wolf hybrid, the weather did not help with the fact that he had to his ears and tail making him hotter than how he'd like to be.

"have you seen the neighbours yet? it's a bunch of boys moving in, probably just that bit older than you" Ms Jeon commented as she took a peek outside the kitchen window which overlooked the lawn of the next house along. she was correct. the boys who were moving boxes from a truck and onto the lawn before occasionally taking them inside, couldn't have been more than ten years older than Jeongguk himself.

"don't forget to check in with Yoonah, she said you haven't called her for ages" Jeongguk's mother added. Kim Yoonah. she was the worst. popular as hell, rich family and Jeongguk's bride to be. due to his mother owning a bakery and needing some money, she signed him up for an arranged marriage with a rich company who happened to have daughters. she was your classic rich kid.

"well, i'm now leaving. love you" Jeongguk said as he took a quick look at the rather gorgeous boys next door before giving his mother a kiss on the cheek and leaving. the direction of his school meant he'd have to walk past the boys moving into the house and gosh, did they look even better close up. there were three different boys in total. one was rather short with curly blonde hair and an oversized, red hoodie on with a bucket hat. another one was much taller, two or three inches taller, with stunning peach hair and a simple white shirt on which had a small rose embroidered on the left side. the last boy that Jeongguk saw had subtle blue hair and wore all black with the hood of his jumper up, he couldn't have been any taller than the blonde boy. as he passed them, a strong scent hit him. hybrids. they were a hybrid pack. Jeongguk quickly tore his eyes away from them as he passed the house and focused on getting to school.

school. school. school. gorgeous boys. school. school.

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"ah, Jeongguk, just in time. could you run this over to the new neighbours quickly? it's a housewarming gift for them" Ms Jeon said as soon as the aforementioned boy stepped foot into his home. Jeongguk set down his school bag and took the basket from his mother before nodding and leaving once again.

the journey wasn't long considering they only lived next door but it was still tiring as Jeongguk had to keep his true identity a secret all day long. he tore his mind from his daily suffering as he got to the doorstep. he quickly pressed the doorbell and stood patiently for someone to open the door. after a couple shouts, someone finally did.

a boy opened the door. no, not one of the boys from earlier, a different boy. and this boy was more handsome than anyone Jeongguk had ever seen. he had soft silver hair which complimented his style. he had a lip piercing, a shiny metal hoop through the left of his bottom lip, and tattoos crawling his skin. he wore black, ripped skinny jeans and... no shirt.

"hello?" the boy asked as Jeongguk had frozen in his place. Jeongguk wasn't really allowed to go anywhere where body parts were exposed for instance beaches or public swimming pools as his mother stated that it'd corrupt him. this was all new to him but he didn't mind it. he definitely didn't mind it.

"erm, hi. yes, sorry. i came from next door. here is a housewarming gift from my mother and i. i'm going to go now" Jeongguk said quickly before handing over the basket and running back to his house the quickest way possible. he jumped over the small fence that separated their houses as well as running across the small alleyway between their houses that led to another small street lined with houses. before Jeongguk completely fled the scene, he heard the heavenly sound of the insanely attractive male chuckle before he came crashing into his own home.

"Jeonggguk? how'd it go? did they like the presents?" he heard his mother shout from the kitchen. Jeongguk was startled as he caught his breath before replying whilst he walked down the hall and to the stairs to flee to his room.

"yep. all was fine"

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