しち + 07 + HEAR

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the wind was crisp and cool as the numerous students burst through the school doors. it was a wednesday afternoon and all the students were buzzing. during the last fifteen minutes of seventh period a fancy, black bmw had pulled up into the school's car park. all the students had rushed to the window as soon as they had heard the engine roar.

"they must be famous or something. didn't that girl Yerin say she had a cousin under sm?" a gaggle of girls commented as the teacher glared at them. they knew the shouldn't be talking but every student was. the news of the new comers has sparked rumours already.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, rather annoyed at the persistence of the girl's conversation. they had spoken despite the teacher scolding them.

the shrill of the bell went off and all the students jumped up to leave and find out who owned the car.

Jeongguk wasn't fazed. he didn't care and all he wanted to do was to get home and hide away from where Taehyung could see him and cry himself to sleep.

as soon as he was packed, Jeongguk shuffled out the classroom and into the hall where students ran to the school entrance.

"they're so hot!" one girl screamed beside the doors. Jeongguk rolled his eyes for the millionth time before pushing the double doors open and walking towards the school gates which were occupied by a large crowd. he got stuck in the sea of bodies before being nudged to the front of the crowd. he turned to see the car doors being opened as everyone started to scream or squeal.

"get out the way" Jeongguk cursed as he tried to push his way out of the crowd. no one let him through sadly as they all were pushing against him to get a better view of the mysterious car owners.

"Jeonggukie!" a deep voice called out. the aforementioned boy turned round to see Taehyung and a boy with blonde hair, the one from before who was helping Taehyung to move in.

"Taehyung! what are you doing here!?" Jeongguk whisper shouted at the male who had attracted all the attention.

"here to pick you up" the elder said as he snaked an arm around Jeongguk's shoulders. Jeongguk blushed before hitting Taehyung's arm off of him. Taehyung quickly swept Jeongguk off of his feet and carried him bridal style into the back seats of the car. to make the girls scream he leaned over the boy, towering over him before crouching down to kiss him. the blonde boy quickly shut the door before getting into the driver seat and beeping for the crowd to part, which happily did, and speeding off.

the car quickly went silent as Taehyung got off of the boy and sat in his own seat and sorting out his crumpled leather jacket. Jeongguk looked at both males before breaking the silence.

"you didn't have to do that you know? also how did you find my school, i haven't told you what school i go to nor should you know where it is. also... who's this? that's the biggest question i have, see-" Jeongguk was cut off by Taehyung smashing his lips onto the younger's to shit him up. the blonde driver looked at the in the rear view mirror and giggled softly.

"firstly, i wanted to do that to surprise you as i know you've been ignoring me for a solid week now. secondly, i've seen your uniform and searched up the school along with directions. lastly, that's Park Jimin. he's in the same pack as i am and he is also my best friend" Taehyung said looking over to Jeongguk cocking an eyebrow seductively.

"God, when did you become so hot" Jeongguk muttered to himself.

"we're all hybrids Jeongguk, we can hear you"

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