じゅう + 10 + INSANITY

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It was a Saturday morning when Jeongguk came bounding down the stairs and swung into the kitchen where his mother stood. ever since Taehyung had imprinted on him, he's been evidently happier.

"what you cooking? it smells amazing!" Jeongguk exclaimed as he bounded over to his frail mother. she stood in front of the kitchen counter, wooden spoon in hand and a large pink mixing bowl in the other.

"i'm baking a cake for the Lee's. it's their fifty year anniversary today and i decided to make them something special" Jeongguk's mother replied. the boy sat down at the circular, wooden table that stood in the corner of the room.

"what's for breakfast?" Jeongguk asked eagerly. he was evidently in a very good mood following the recent events between him and Taehyung.

"i'm cooking some pancakes. say, Jeongguk, what's made my boy so happy today?" Ms Jeon had a rough idea of what might have happened. she knew that after being imprinted on, the hybrid would be constantly in a happier mood yet in pain twenty-four hours following the bite.

when Ms Jeon had come home the night prior, Jeongguk was clearly in pain as much as he tried to hide it.

"nothing, just am in a good mood" the boy replied slightly worried his mother has cottoned onto the whole imprinting thing.

"don't lie to me, young man" Jeongguk's mother warned. Jeongguk gulped nervously before looking down at his hands.

the aforementioned boy knew this was going to come up at some point but he didn't expect it to be so soon. he was dreading this moment ever since he made his way home from Taehyung's that afternoon.

"who is it?" Ms Jeon asked, disappointment laced into her voice. without even addressing the subject, the pair both knew what they meant.

"Taehyung" Jeongguk quietly replied. Ms Jeon didn't dare turn around as she knew she wouldn't be able to control herself and would hit her son.

"who?" his mother questioned. of course, she didn't know who he was, she only knew him as 'the next door neighbour'.

"the next door neighbour" the intimidates boy said shrinking into his seat further. Ms Jeon lifted the spoon a small bit above the bowl before slamming it back down into the bowl.

Jeongguk's mother cursed loudly before gripping onto the edge of the counter, her knuckles turning white.

"you're never to see him again, understood?" she said after turning to glare at her son. Jeongguk's eyes teared up. they were filled to the brim, moments from overflowing.

the boy panicked.

"please- please let me see him once more" Jeongguk stuttered out between sobs. he loved Taehyung and couldn't imagine life without the male.

"never means never, Jeon Jeongguk," she said viciously.

"once more, please!" Jeongguk almost screamed. immediately after saying that he was hit with fear. he'd never raised his voice at his mother.

"be back in twenty minutes or i swear i will-" before she could finish, Jeongguk was out of the maroon door and rushing next door.

the lanky boy got to his neighbour's house, tears flowing down his cheeks by now. he rapidly banged on the door, hoping the elder was in.

"i'm coming, calm down!" a shout was heard from the other side. Jeongguk immediately stopped hitting the door. it was flung open to reveal Taehyung.

"whoa, you alright?" Taehyung said as soon as he saw the younger's tear-stained face. the male immediately stepped aside for Jeongguk to walk into the house. the aforementioned boy walked himself into the familiar living room and immediately threw himself onto the brown sofa that sat opposite the large fireplace and flat screen tv. Taehyung followed.

"it's my mum. she found out you're my mate and is forcing me to never see you again" Jeongguk cried out. he gripped onto the elder's shirt, pulling him into a tight hug.

"runaway with me then" Taehyung confidently stated. Jeongguk looked up at the aforementioned male to see if he was being serious; he was.

"i'm not going to do that, idiot. plus i can't leave her on her own. she may be the most wicked person in the world but she's still my mum" Jeongguk choked out. Taehyung stormed his brain for more ideas.

"i- i'll get a job at your school so i can see you" Taehyung frantically said thinking of more possible ways to be able to see the younger.

Jeongguk knew that would be a stupid idea. his mother would find out that Taehyung works at his school and immediately pull him out, transferring him to a school over an hour away.

"it'll be fine. i'm turning eighteen in a month and i'll move so i'm able to see you" Jeongguk said; defeated. everything would be fine. they'd find a way.

"no, Jeongguk, you don't understand. if mates don't see each other for more than a week they go insane and kill everyone till they are with their mate"

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