じゅうさん + 13 + BIRTHDAY

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"happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to Jeonggukkie, happy birthday to me~" Jeongguk sang as he stood at the counter of Taehyung's kitchen. he was baking a cake for himself as today happened to be his eighteenth birthday, which he had been waiting for for the longest time.

Jeongguk has woken up early, roughly six am. he wanted today to be fun and special, to take his mind off of the recent events. he just wanted to spend the day with people who he cared for.

"good morning, gorgeous" Taehyung's groggy morning voice was heard from the hallway. the elder came up behind Jeongguk and snaked his arms around the aforementioned boy's waist. Taehyung peppered soft kisses down the back of Jeongguk's neck, swaying them both side to side.

"good morning, Tae" Jeongguk replied. he carried on mixing the ingredients together despite the rather satisfying distraction that was flung to him like a koala.

"whatcha' making?" Taehyung said.

"i'm baking a cake" Jeongguk replied as Taehyung quickly spun the boy around and cling onto his hands with his own. the younger was rather surprised at this but allowed it.

"come back to bed with me. it's too early" Taehyung said as he nuzzled his face into the crook of Jeongguk's neck and hugging the boy. Taehyung carried on placing small, soft kisses to the now-ravenette's neck. the elder spun Jeongguk around so they were face to face.

Taehyung dove in and connected his lips to the younger's. he gripped onto the ravenette's waist, pulling him in closer and walking him back. Jeongguk's hips hit the kitchen counter as his hand's snakes to the back of Taehyung's head and tangled his fingers into the elder's now blue hair.

"the offer still stands" Taehyung breathes out and he moved his hands under Jeongguk's shirt, softly massaging his waist.

"let's do it here. on the counter. completely destroy m-" Jeongguk got interrupted by the front door bang open. the pair were shocked although didn't separate from each other. loud voices were heard singing and shouting throughout the halls.

"happy birthday Jeonggukkie!!" the voice that belonged to Hoseok shouted throughout the house. Taehyung sighed and closed his eyes out of pure frustration. today was his boyfriend's birthday and he wanted to spend it with him... alone.

"i said you guys could come over after twelve" Taehyung groaned as he retracted his hand's from Jeongguk and turned to his friends who stood in the doorway.

"we wanted to surprise you guys. obviously, we should have come earlier so we didn't have to walk in on that" Seokjin said as he gripped onto Namjoon's hand, squashing his body against his boyfriend's.

"woah, your hair!" Jimin exclaimed as he turned the corner. the night before the couple had spontaneously decided to dye their hair. Jeongguk's was now a dark black and Taehyung's being a bright blue.

"i don't know wether that's a compliment or not, Park" Jeongguk holiday commented and smiled. he did want to continue what he and Taehyung started yet was happy his friends were there.

Taehyung walked over to his friends and started to complain to them, leaving Jeongguk to continue cooking.

"here, let me help you," Seokjin said as he had made his way over to Jeongguk who was still mixing the cake ingredients together. the younger nodded politely and carried on cooking alongside the elder.

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"Taehyung" Namjoon called the tall male lowly. the leader stood by a small blue-haired male. Taehyung walked over to the two still laughing from a joke Seokjin had said.

"what's up?" he asked the males in front of him. Yoongi turned to Namjoon before replying.

"we need to go back to the Fallen Kingdom, Tae" Yoongi said; almost pleaded. Namjoon nodded before making an input.

"my trials soon. it's been a year since the incident and the remainder of my family want to testify against me" Taehyung gave a worried look before looking back at the rest of the boys; Jeongguk was laughing wilding at a joke Jin had told whilst Jimin and Hoseok danced around like idiots; nothing from the normal.

"alright. i'll tell Jeongguk in the morning, in the meantime don't bring it up nor speak about it. i want today to be special for him, so he can forget about everything that happened with his mother for a while" Taehyung replied. the three then joined their friends once again, less worried and tense than before.

"open your presents!" Jimin shouted excitedly as they all settled into the living room which was filled with assorted presents all addressed to Jeon Jeongguk himself.

"you guys really didn't have to get me anything, really" Jeongguk complained as he sat down in the middle of the small circle of multicoloured boxes.

"open mine first" Hoseok commented; the pair had grown somewhat closer during the day, Jeongguk had grown close with most of the boys by now. Hoseok handed Jeongguk an averaged-sized emerald green box. it had a small tag identical the paper which read 'happy birthday Gukkie' in beautiful cursive writing. Jeongguk immodestly tore the paper open to reveal a yellow t-shirt identical to the one he had found in Taehyung's room they say their shares their first kiss.

"thank you, Hoseok," Jeongguk said happily. he was somewhat confused as to how he knew about the t-shirt and the significant moment between the two soulmates but didn't care entirely.

"Taehyung told me about it" Hoseok admitted as though he had read Jeongguk's mind.

next was Yoongi's present: a pair of old-school black Vans. Jeongguk had been needing a pair of shoes to be fair. Jeongguk thanked the elder before moving onto the next present; Seokjin.

"when i saw this in the shop, i immediately thought of you" Seokjin commented as the younger ripped open the bright pink wrapping paper that covered a large irregular shaped item. inside was a hamper full of skin care products such as face masks, face scrubs, nose strips etc.

"since you're leaving your teenage years, i thought i'd help you kick off being an adult with a little bit of skin care!" Seokjin exclaimed. Jeongguk nodded whilst laughing at the idea. he then thanked the elder.

next was a smart black yet small box addressed from Namjoon. Jeongguk opened the box, it had obviously been professionally wrapped when bought, to reveal an equally as smart watch.

"woah, Namjoon, thank you," Jeongguk said i utter shock. the watch looked expensive, very expensive. the elder responded with a small chuckle and light blush tinting his cheeks.

"open mine next" piped up a small voice belonging to Jimin. he pointed towards a rather tall box with was wrapped in deep purple wrapping paper. Jeongguk immodestly opened the paper to reveal a D.VA figurine.

"Jimin, thank you!" Jeongguk laughed excitedly as he examined the figure. he and Jimin had previously shared a passion for Overwatch. Jimin smiled at the boy before being interrupted by a deep, low voice.

"this is from me" Taehyung simply said handing Jeongguk a small box. inside was a chain with a ring attached to it. it was a silver necklace. on the ring was a date engraved; the day Taehyung had moved in; the day the pair had met.

"thank you" Jeongguk almost whispered as he leaned over to his boyfriend and kissed him softly. the two pulled away before any of their friends protested and smiled at each other lovingly.

everyone was in the moment. no thoughts of recent deaths nor thoughts of travelling to faraway lands for risky business. everything was peaceful.

for now.

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