に + 02 + CAUGHT

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"Jeongguk, bring me the floral cake stand please" Ms Jeon shouted up the stairs. Jeongguk stood in his room in front of his mirror checking his button up shirt he was wearing and fluffing his hair a little to cover his barely visible ears. the boy sighed before leaving his room and shuffling through the multiple boxes that his mother had gotten down from the attic mere days before the current event. he found a small cardboard stand that was covered in small pink flowers with a teal background. Jeongguk quickly jogged downstairs and handed the pieces of cardboard to his mother for her to assemble.

"here, ma," he said before going to sit on the chair beside the packed dining room table. his mother was rushing around the kitchen with a stunning black, ankle length dress on with an apron tied around her waist. every step she took, a small click of her heels would follow.

"so i was wondering if the boys next door could come. i mean you've always said I should socialize with people my age and they seem to be just a little older than me and-" Jeongguk was quickly cut off by his mother slamming down a piece of the cardboard for the cake stand. the angered woman then turned to her son before saying anything.

"those hooligans are bad influences. i forbid you from ever talking, looking or breathing near them, got me?" Jeongguk quickly nodded. go back up to your room" and with that he was off. the boy ran off to his room and threw his body onto his bed. Jeongguk had always hated the parties his mother threw. not only because they were in summer and he had to wrap his tail around his waist but how people acted. they all acted differently when in large groups. his mother would always be telling him off for not getting good enough grades, despite him being top of his class, but when with people, she acted as though she could never be more proud of Jeongguk. he had always hated how fake people acted.

the boy's thoughts were cut off by sudden loud laughter from outside his bedroom window and chatter. he quickly got up and looked out of the window. it overlooked his back garden and he was able to see into next door's garden as well. the same group of boys sat on chairs in the garden next door. they were laughing, chatting and smoking.

"shut up, Hoseok. next door can probably hear you" a blue-haired boy said as he removed the cigarette from his lips. Jeongguk recognised a few of them from the day before. his eyes travelled over the boys before finally stopping at the silver-haired God who had answered the door the day before. his staring was quickly stopped by someone speaking.

"looks like they could," the peach haired boy said pointing to where Jeongguk stood at his window peering out. his face quickly burst into a bright red before yanking himself back into his room. he could faintly hear the six gorgeous boys chuckle at his reaction.

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