じゅうに + 12 + MISSED

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Jeongguk stood nervously next to Namjoon as the elder opened the front door of Taehyung's house. he didn't exactly know why he was scared, but he was. was it that he now knew Taehyung had been starving himself? not sleeping?

he didn't want to see Taehyung in this state.

"don't worry, he'll be back to his usual self once he sees you" Namjoon reassured the boy. the pair took off their shoes as shouts were heard from the kitchen.

"Taehyung, you have to eat something!" a moderately loud shout sounded through the house followed by a light sob.

"Jimin stop-" Taehyung's weak, sobbing voice was interrupted. Namjoon wore a worried expression as he started to slowly walk to the kitchen; Jeongguk following.

"i'm not just going to watch my friend die, Taehyung!" Jimin shouted back. Jeongguk stood next to Namjoon in the doorway leading into the minimalistic kitchen. Taehyung was facing the other way, not able to see the worried pair. Jimin caught sight of them before going silent.

Taehyung instinctively turned around to see the pair. Jeongguk was shocked, to say the least. Taehyung had dark circles under his eyes and he was evidently skinnier. his eyes lacked the spark and colour they had before.

"Jeongguk" Taehyung breathed out as he stood up from the kitchen stool he sat on. the male couldn't believe his eyes. he didn't know if he was hallucinating the boy due to lack of food and drink or if he was really standing there.

"Taehyung" Jeongguk replied before the aforementioned male ran over to him and immediately wrapped his arms around the younger. Jeongguk instinctively hugged back.

"how- how are you here?" Taehyung questioned as he pulled his boyfriend away from him. Taehyung held onto the younger's shoulder examining his face to see if he was alright; he knew about how abusive his mother could get and he knew Jeongguk was banned from seeing him.

Namjoon coughed from the doorway. he shook his head at Taehyung signally not to mention it in front of the younger. Taehyung nodded before paying every inch of his attention to the boy in front of him.

"i've missed you" Taehyung cursed as he pulled Jeongguk into another hug. the pair were overjoyed at the sight of each other.

"let's eat, shall we?"

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"so that's the king?" Jeongguk questioned as he pointed at a man standing in the photo. the man wore long purple robes, obviously, he was royal, and wore a rather tall black hat. his long brown hair ended mid-chest and his elegant beard was groomed perfectly.

"yes, the fallen king to be specific," Taehyung replied. the pair sat next to each other on Taehyung's bed looking through an old shoe box of stuff Taehyung owned; majority old artefacts from 'the fallen kingdom' as it was titled.

"why fallen?" Jeongguk questioned as he broke his gaze from the old, moderately ruined photo to look at his attractive boyfriend. Taehyung smiles at the boy wanting to know more about his birth land.

"he died and had no one to pass the crown onto. he had five sons, all very competitive. two of them were killed due to the others wanting to be crowned next, two others died in battle and the other was never found; just disappeared one day. only one had a son, supposedly. once his father died, his mother sent him to the human world so he didn't have to deal with the toxic royal hierarchy. no one's been able to find him and the mother hasn't told anyone where he went" Taehyung explained. Jeongguk was fascinated. he'd be told similar stories as a child; all made up fairy tales with hints of the truth tangled within. he had always wanted to know about his own kind but his human mother never knew much.

"so do you think the boy ever return?" Jeongguk questioned as he fished through the box again, pulling out another photo. it was of the royal family. the king stood proudly in the dead centre; his wife stood next to him angelically; his five sons stood below and around him and their wives stood by them. one boy caught Jeongguk's eye the most. he was small and young, around four at most, and stood in front of, who Jeongguk presumed were, his parents.

"That's him. the only known photo of him. if i were him, i'd return. the kingdom has evolved quite drastically since then" Taehyung said before turning to the brunette and placing his hand on his thigh absentmindedly.

"i'll take you there someday," Taehyung said smiling at the younger before leaning in and planting a kiss to his lips. Jeongguk immediately kissed back and snakes his hands round to the back of the elder's neck.

"i'd love that," Jeongguk said breaking the kiss before placing the photos back into the shoebox and closing it, placing it behind him on the bed and standing up to face the other. the silver-haired boy flashed the younger a smile. Jeongguk extended his hand, which Taehyung gladly took, and the pair started to make their way into the kitchen for some lunch.

as the couple left Taehyung's room, Jeongguk flashed his boyfriend a smile he'd never seen before. he looked truly happy, and it was somewhat identical to the boy in the photo.

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