さん + 03 + ALLEY

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the party had started hours ago and it was only seven at night. people were socialising and laughing with each other about their kids or work but there was one person in particular who was not having a good time.

Jeongguk stood by a table of food and occasionally picked from it before stuffing his face with sweet goods. he truly wanted to leave but since it was at his house, he couldn't sadly.

"-and this is my son, Jeongguk. Jeongguk this is Mr and Mrs Oh, they moved in a couple months ago" Jeongguk's mother came walking over with two rather tall people behind her. they were obviously a couple as they wore matching shirts, they also seemed pretty young, twenty-eight at the most. Jeongguk politely smiled at the pair and they returned ones back.

"i think i'm going to go outside for a while, it's really hot in here," Jeongguk told his mother who let him go with a smile. Jeongguk quickly grabbed his cup of apple juice, as he wasn't allowed anything else apart from water. he rushed out the front door and made his way to the alleyway that separated his house and the next. as he neared it, he noticed a figure already standing there. he cautiously continued. Jeongguk got to the opening of the alleyway and decided to confidently go over to the person and start up a conversation.

"hey," he said and the person lifted their head. silver-haired God. it was him, the male next door. Jeongguk momentarily stopped before continuing and leaned again the wall of his house opposite the man.

"hi," the man replied removing the cigarette from between his lips. Jeongguk almost melted. he had heard his voice before but it didn't really register as he was either running away or in his own world. Jeongguk quickly cleared his throat before replying.

"you just moved in right? how'd you like the neighbourhood so far?" Jeongguk said. the man gave a small smile before replying to the multiple questions from a rushing and panicky Jeongguk.

"yeah, i finally moved out of my shared apartment with my brothers. erm, the neighbourhoods alright i guess apart from the fact that i wasn't invited to this party you and your parents are hosting" the man said. Jeongguk occasionally smiled at his words but was truly memorised by this man.

"ah, right. sorry about that. i did ask her if i could invite you but she said you were a bad influence and such" Jeongguk said as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. the mysterious man chuckled before taking a drag of his cigarette and breathing out the toxic smoke.

"so, what's your name?" he asked calmly looking up into the night's sky. Jeongguk smiled nervously before replying.

"Jeongguk, Jeon Jeongguk" he stammered. the silver-haired man chuckled at him before following with his own name.

"well, i'm Kim Taehyung. it's nice to meet you Jeongguk, Jeon Jeongguk" the pair laughed lightly before getting into a conversation about their lives.

"so you're a wolf hybrid?" Taehyung guessed. as soon as he'd met Jeongguk, he'd known the boy was a hybrid. the smell was practically smothered all over him.

"keep your voice down, God" Jeongguk quickly quietened the male. he cautiously looked around in case any heard but was relieved when he saw no one apart from Taehyung.

"but, yes, a lonely wolf hybrid" Jeongguk admitted. he hadn't ever spoken to a hybrid before. from his earliest memories, he had no connection to the hybrid world other than his human mother who barely even scraped the surface of being a hybrid other than having an adopted hybrid child.

"ah right. as you can tell, i have a pack. the boys who helped me move in are the pack" Taehyung said confidently showing his fangs as he went to take a drag of his almost burnt out cigarette.

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"-and so he threw a punch at my head but i thankfully dodged it in time"

as Jeongguk trailed off he noticed Taehyung was looking past him. Jeongguk turned his head and saw a female figure at the entrance to the alleyway. she wore a purple blouse along with a white skirt and high heels.

"baby, people are looking for you. Come on, you can't leave me in there alone. i need my husband with me" Yoonah shrieked. as she said the word husband, Taehyung choked on his cigarette and spluttered into a coughing fit.

as Jeongguk was being dragged away by his bridezilla, he couldn't help but hear an outburst by Taehyung.


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