よん + 04 + CHEAT

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it was a late Wednesday afternoon and school had just finished. children flooded the streets of South Korea eager to get home or hang out with friends. one boy, in particular, was rushing down the streets of his hometown.

"hey watch it!" a random pedestrian shouted as the boy accidentally ran into him and sent his work papers flying across the streets. the boy turned back and shouted an apology before continuing to run home.

the reason behind why he was so eager was simply the new boy next door. for less than a week now, he'd been observing him and his friends who were all undyingly attractive.

the out-of-breath boy got to his front door and rummaged in his trouser pocket before realising he'd forgotten his key. if he hadn't lost it at school, it'd be dangling on the key rack just inside the door.

Jeongguk cursed before slamming his fist onto the maroon red door and glancing over to his new neighbour's house. he could simply go over there and ask to stay till his mother gets back or he could die of dehydration on his own front doorstep. he'd forgotten it was summer and when being a hybrid, the heat was not kind.

the boy cursed even louder than before. he trudged over to Taehyung's front door and knocked loudly. he heard some fumbling around with keys and soon the door opened wide to reveal the much-awaited male.

"hey, Jeongguk, what's up?" Taehyung said rather surprised. Jeongguk nervously smiled as he played with his fingers before replying.

"i'm kind of locked out of my house. i forgot my house keys and i was wondering if i could stay round yours till my mum gets home" Jeongguk spluttered out as Taehyung chuckled. Taehyung slowly nodded before replying.

"yeah, you're always welcome round here. come in" Taehyung said as he stepped aside to let Jeongguk into his home. the aforementioned boy cautiously walked into the gorgeous man's house and took his shoes off. he left them by the rather large pile of sneakers that sat by the front door. Taehyung swiftly walked past him and started to make his way to the other room. Jeongguk plopped his bag down beside his shoes and followed the elder.

he made his way into the kitchen as Taehyung pours himself a beer and Jeongguk a glass of water. he handed to glass to Jungkook who wolfed it down within seconds. he placed the glass down on the island in the middle of the kitchen before turning to Taehyung.

"so you have a wife, what's that about?" Taehyung interrogated. Jeongguk was dreading this. he knew he was gay a hundred percent but could never tell anyone that.

"it's an arranged marriage. my mum owns a bakery and she needs a little extra money to get off the ground. a higher company offered to give her money in the way of marrying into it and since they happen to have two daughters, i was engaged to the eldest" Jeongguk explained. he didn't want to scare Taehyung off and he's pretty sure this blew all chances he had with the God-like man.

"so you don't want to get married? why not? she seemed rather attractive" Taehyung said as he drank some more of his beer. Jeongguk nodded before replying.

"she's too classic rich girl and annoying for me. plus I'm pretty sure I'm-" he was immediately cut off by the sound of a car pulling up into the drive. he peered out of the window and saw his mum's car now in the driveway.

"she's home early" Jeongguk muttered before speaking up, "that's my mum. i better go". he walked into the hall the retrieve his shoes and bag. he slipped his shoes on quickly before thanking Taehyung for the drink and letting him round before shooting out the door and to his own. he looked back momentarily and saw Taehyung standing in his doorway. Taehyung waved to the younger before crossing his arms and watching Jeongguk return home.

"where the bloody hell have you been?" Jeongguk's mother shout-whispered at him as he appeared on the doorstep. Jeongguk was shocked at her sudden scream but looked down sadly before trudging inside the house.

"round Taehyung's house next door" Jeongguk mumbled yet his mum heard him perfectly.

"you were supposed to go out with Yoonah" Ms Jeon angrily whispered to her son before pointing into the kitchen where Kim Yoonah was. she was angry. it was ridden in her facial expression. she was sat on one of the dining room chairs, legs crossed neatly. she was also clad in her school uniform; Preston High. one of the top private schools in the area.

"hey, darling" Jeongguk edged into the room. he knew he sounded awkward.

"don't 'hey, darling' me, Jeon" Yoonah snapped at him before grabbing onto his arm and dragging him upstairs to Jeongguk's bedroom.

"i'm so sorry i accidentally left my house keys at home and i wanted to change before we went out and-" Jeongguk was cut off by Yoonah's lips being placed on his. he was obviously taken aback.

"what were you doing round that man's house?" she said as she sat down on the messy bed.

"talking about you actually" Jeongguk mumbled. it was the truth but it made him seem like he actually likes Yoonah.

"oh really, sure you weren't cheating on me?" her voice gained in loudness with her words. she was pissed, very pissed.

"of course not! baby, why would i cheat on you?" Jeongguk ran to her side and kneeled next to where she sat on he bed and gripped onto her two hands. she didn't dare look at him.

"because you like men, Jeon. i can tell by the way you look at every guy" Yoonah replied sadly. she had known he was gay since she first met him and she hated it. Yoonah knew she couldn't fall in love with him because he was only there for money for his mother, but he was gorgeous. Yoonah has fallen for him, and hard at that.

"Yoonah-" Jeongguk started but was once again cut off by his dreadful wife.

"Jeongguk, no" she started, "i love you, you know? i know i'm not supposed to but i can't help it" tears ran down her face at this point. the passionate anger had now turned to sadness.

"i love-" Jeongguk started.

"don't say it, Jeon. it'll only make things worse" Yoonah wiped her tears away and peered into Jeongguk's mirror to clean up her make-up.

"i'll see you round, Jeon" and with that she slipped out of the room, leaving a very much saddened Jeongguk in her wake.

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