じゅうご + 15 + PICKUP

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the large, golden yet rusted gates stood mighty high. the occasional shiver given off as another gust of cold wind passed. the large building stood behind the gates, whether it [the gates] were keeping something in or out is another question for another time.

seven boys stood in between the gates and the van they had all just jumped out of.

"you sure this is the place?" the eldest questioned. everyone panned to Hoseok as he looked up at the building in front of them and the photos he had on his phone. he glanced over to his friends.

"should be" he replied before making his way to the gates cautiously. Namjoon pushes gently on one of the gates and it started to open slowly. a loud rattle followed caused by the gate's sudden movements. the six boys behind shushed him.

the seven walked past the now open gates, seeming to naturally slot into a slight formation; Namjoon leading with Seokjin who grasped onto his mates hand. next was Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin who were messing around along with giving directions. lastly were Taehyung and Jeongguk, the younger clinging onto his boyfriend.

'Grave Grove Mental Hospital' was carved into an old rustic plaque that stood proud beside the front doors. smashed glass surrounded smashed windows and marginally dead vines curled around each and every open crack available.

Namjoon, once again, opened the door which was followed by another loud scrape and rattle.

the seven walked in.

"are you sure this is it? i mean it doesn't seem like a great place to pick up and drop of guns and all-" Jimin's sentence was cut short as the alpha quickly shushed him. a second loud thump sounded throughout the building. the boys stood still in the entrance to the abandoned mental asylum.

"what was that?" Jeongguk shivered with his words. his grip tightened on Taehyung if that were even possible. more small sounds of movement went off, seeming to get closer to the seven's location.

Namjoon cursed as Yoongi and Hoseok stepped up beside their leader in defence. the other four stood behind them.

an extremely loud bang went off behind the old front desk. the, obviously, caused some of the boys to jump out of fear.

Seokjin let out a scream and cling onto the first living thing he could, which happened to be Jimin. Jeongguk flinched and held onto Taehyung as before.

"keep together, understood? no one gets left alone or behind" Namjoon commented as he started to walk towards the left wing of the abandoned mental hospital.

"hey, Taehyung, you still have the-" Seokjin was cut off by his own cursing as he turned towards his friend. he was astonished by Jeongguk, for some reason.

the younger was clung onto his blue-haired boyfriend's shoulders, head turning in all directions of slight noise, completely oblivious to the fact that his tail was out.

"Jeongguk" Seokjin stammered out, which obviously caught the attention of the rest of the boys. they all turned to the youngest; immediately breathe taken.

"the fallen king" Yoongi breathed out as he let a smile slip across his face. Jeongguk was confused to say the slightest.

he looked towards his boyfriend who was also gawking at him. he gave Taehyung a confused look.

"your tail. it has two golden rings; the trademark of the royal family. Jeongguk, you're the fallen king's heir" Taehyung explained with a confused tone.

"now we have more of a reason to get to the fallen kingdom as well as more of a reason to protect him. quick before someone, or something, catches us" Namjoon rushes his six friends. they quickly darted down corridors after corridors till they got to an old rusted door, thanks to the coordination of Hoseok.

they had gotten to the basement, the place they'd be picking up their weapons and fake IDs to be able to get into the fallen kingdom.

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the seven boys stood in the grande entrance to the dingy basement where they were supposed to pick up their defence.

"he said he'd be here by now" Hoseok rambled on. anxiety has settled in for him. he was the one who gave directions and he was the one who organised the whole situations so if it all goes wrong it's all his fault.

"Hoseok, it'll be fine" Namjoon reassures the elder as he edged further into the dark room. small movements were sensed from around the room.

"ah, Hoseok" a loud voice boomed throughout the basement. a small figure hobbled out from the shadows and greater the aforementioned male. the man was old, wrinkles showed that prominently on his skin. his hair was laced with grey tones.

"Baekbeom, it's so good to see you" Hoseok replied rushing over to the man and giving him a hug.

"so, you lot want to get into the fallen kingdom, i hear?" Baskbeom beamed; his smile stretching from ear to ear.

"yes, sir" Namjoon said as he and the other five followed further into the basement. they trailed behind the two men who seemed to have gone off into their own conversation. they made their way into a backroom.

"you'll need these" Baekbeom said as he passed two hand guns towards Hoseok who then passed then onto Yoongi who examined them carefully. more firearms were handed out as well as the promised IDs and some small knives for extra protection.

"i wish you seven the best of luck" Baekbeom said as he walked the pack back to the front of the abandoned building. he gave them all one last smile before they clambered back into their van and set off for their final destination; the Fallen Kingdom.

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