きゅう + 09 + MARK

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"God, i hate school food" Sami complains. Jeongguk sat across from her. Kim Sami. Yoonah's younger sister aka Jeongguk's future sister-in-law. Sami was the only hybrid in her family apart from a couple of ancestors which she had inherited 'the curse' from. she and Jeongguk got on well as they both could relate to hybrid problems and had a fair bit in common.

"why didn't you pack your own food then?" Jeongguk said as he picked at his rice he had packed for lunch. Sami fakes being sick when she took another bite of her food.

they were sat outside in the school's garden that was only open to students in the last year. it was never in use as most students were in the cafeteria or at lunchtime clubs.

"Daniel is out of town and he usually makes me lunch" Sami said as stole some of Jeongguk's food. Jeongguk groaned in annoyance as he took a gulp of water. Daniel is Sami's boyfriend and mate. they had met mere months ago and immediately knew they were destined.

"so... you're marked, right? What's that like?" Jeongguk finally said. Sami swallowed her food before going into lecture mode.

"well it hurts slightly. it's to be told one of the best feelings in the whole world and I can't deny that" Sami said. Jeongguk nodded along with her words. he'd briefly heard things from his human mother saying how you shouldn't be marked at a young age or manipulated into it.

"so can anyone mark you?" Jeongguk questioned.

"nope, only your mate can" Sami said wiggling her eyebrows "speaking of the devil, hows that boy next door?"

Jeongguk sighed before packing his lunch boxes up as the bell was about to go. they thankfully both had the same lesson next.

"i doubt he's my mate. i mean the man's a God for goodness sake. And i'm simply a school student" Jeongguk got up from the bench, the aching in his heart returning. despite the events of the other day, they still weren't entirely okay again. Jeongguk wanted to respect Taehyung and so kept a distance but little does he know that Taehyung is yearning for him.

ッ ッ ッ

Jeongguk ran down the road eager to get home, like most days. he wanted to visit Taehyung and ask more about markings but felt too scared to.

"screw it" Jeongguk cursed. he started to make his way to Taehyung's house. once he got to the front door, Jeongguk rapidly knocked on the door.

"i'm coming! i'm coming! Christ!" he heard Taehyung shout from the other side. Jeongguk stopped knocking on the door. it swung open to reveal Taehyung with wet hair and only grey sweatpants on. Jeongguk immediately jumped forwards and smashed his lips onto Taehyung before pushing the elder further into the house and kicking the door shut with his foot.

"whoa, whoa, whoa. what's this all about?" Taehyung asked for rowing his eyebrows. Jeongguk kept his grip on Taehyung's neck as he peered into the aforementioned male's eyes.

"i want you to mark me"

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