じゅうはち + 18 + TEA

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Jeongguk took another glance in the mirror before straightening out his blazer jacket. he wanted to look good, of course. a tea date, which was much more like a meeting to him, wasn't something you just rocked up to in a pair of jeans and t-shirt. instead of his usual get up of jeans and large hoodie, Jeongguk wore a tailored suit provided by Mr Shin. it was black - apart from the button-up shirt which was a beautiful royal blue - and fitted him perfectly, although it reminded Jeongguk of his old school uniform minus the expense.

"good morning, your highness" Taehyung joked as Jeongguk carefully slipped out of his room. he laughed quietly before shutting his bedroom door carefully, he knew the other boys were still asleep even though it was well past midday.

"shall we?" Taehyung said as he offered his arm out of Jeongguk to giddily hold onto. Jeongguk chuckled once again before linking his arm with his boyfriend's.

the pair gracefully walked the castle, occasionally stopping passing staff to ask for directions. it took them a while, but eventually they found where try were to meet Jeongguk's mother.

the garden was spectacular. large plants lined every wall and surface in sight. in the centre of it all stood a large glass, green house. it was filled to the brim with plants, some even spilling out of cracks in the windows. it was a little run down but still much more beautiful than any other garden Jeongguk had ever seen.

as the boys exited the double doors that had been drastically opened straight from the grand ballroom, Suzie was walking towards them from the gardens.

"afternoon, boys" she said politely before curtsying and smiling. she then gracefully slipped past them and into the castle. Taehyung smiled at the girl's politeness and cuteness. he could see Jeongguk treating her like a little sister.

"lets do this, nothing major just tea with my mother who i met for the first time a few days ago. what if she hates who i am? what if she hates our relationship? oh, what if she hates you?" Jeongguk babbled on. Taehyung chuckled at his worries before slipping an arm around his waist and hugging the younger boy to comfort him.

"calm down, baby, everything will be fine" Taehyung reassured him before they took each other's hand in their own and walking towards the green house. they passed the many small plains of grass that were lined with beautiful flower selections.

"over here, boys" a familiar voice called. sat by the side of the green house was Jeongguk's mother. she was perched on a beautiful, white metal chair tucked into a matching glass table. stood opposite were two identical chairs, obviously meant for Taehyung and Jeongguk.

the two boys pulled out their chairs and sat down across from the elegant woman who was dressed in an equally as elegant attire. Jeongguk's mother was clad in a beautiful purple dress. the torso was covered with gorgeously embroidered flowers that descended into a silk skirt. it ended mid calf.

"good morning, mother" Jeongguk beamed at the somewhat formal nickname. his mother replied with a polite smile. Taehyung slipped his hand into Jeongguk's under the table as the woman opposite them started to pour each of them a cup of tea. in the middle of the table stood a large cake stand which was lined with the finest confectionery in the whole kingdom.

"i wanted to talk to you," she darted her eyes to Jeongguk as she placed the tea pot down, "about your crowning ceremony. i know it's all way too soon and we'd be happy to postpone it but if no one is officially crowned by the end of this year the position of King automatically goes to Junhyun, and i think none of us actually want that" Jeongguk's mother finally spoke freely of her somewhat man of a husband.

"crowning, right. when would be the best date for it? it's not like we can do it tomorrow" Jeongguk replied. his mother smiled at his eagerness to be crowned - wether that was the threat of Junhyun taking the thrown or the fact that he just sinply wanted to be King but Sunyeon knew it was the former.

"next week, Tuesday" Sunyeon answered as she picked up her cup of piping tea to take a sip. Jeongguk nodded his head before he looked back at the cakes in front of him with needing eyes. the whole conversation so far he had been eyeing them up as though they were an oasis and he had just been stranded in the desert for months.

"go ahead, son" his mother said as she nodded towards the cakes. Jeongguk immediately grabbed a small pink slice. he happily munched on it as his mother continued talking.

"we can easily arrange the event as any other. we could also arrange you happy couple a wedding" Jeongguk spat out his tea at the last part. a wedding? already?

"a wedding?" Jeongguk stammered out. Sunyeon smiled at the boy's reaction. Taehyung chuckled beside him and he squeezed his lover's hand.

"i wouldn't mind that" Taehyung said lovingly. Sunyeon smiled joyfully at the couple. she had always hoped to see her boy again let alone as happy as he was with Taehyung. she wanted to thank Taehyung with her life for making her precious son so joyful in life.

"right, let's get on with planning this crowning ceremony for you, Jeongguk"

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