Chapter 1

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A beautiful girl was stood leaning over her balcony, allowing her hair to blow through the wind. She stared out at the kingdom below her, seeing the people dancing in the square. She couldn't help but envy them; after all they had everything she wanted. It was not much, but it hurt for a girl who could have anything she wanted to be deprived of the one thing she wanted most: Freedom.

The girls name was Serena, princess of Kalos. Soon to become Serena, queen of Kalos. But her mother had informed her she wouldn't be able to assume the role of queen until she married. This had left her completely heartbroken, how could she marry without knowing if she was truly in love. Her mother had arranged a ball next Saturday that would be attended by the princes of all the other Kingdoms, Serena knew she might be able to find love with one of them but what if she didn't then what?

She lifted her gaze from the happy people to the sunset on the horizon. It cast a long golden shadow the lush green forest surrounding the village. The sun it's self surrounded by a soft pink glow swirling into a deep navy blue before finally turning black. Most people would have been in awe at such a beautiful sight, but Serena only sighed. She had seen it night after night, always the same, she wished more than anything to see it differently. To see a new sunset in a new place. She slumped onto her hand letting out a dreamy sigh daydreaming about being free to do as she wished and marry whom she loved.

"Fenn?" Came a muffled cry from behind her. She looked around to see her beloved partner Fennekin looking somewhat worried. Fennekin jumped up on the balcony railings so she was now level with Serena. Serena smiled at her pokemon, touched by how much she cared for her.

"Don't worry Fennekin I'm perfectly fine." She said sweeting forcing a laugh that sounded a little to high pitched to be genuine. Fennekin saw right through her and knew she was troubled as usual. She hopped onto Serena's lap and licked her fingers trying to sooth her trainer. Serena sighed and giggled slightly at the sensation of Fennekin's licks. It helped but it didn't completely take her mind of things. Many a night had she sat on this balcony dreaming of adventure and excitement, and not having to do the same things day after day. But she now realised that her time would soon be up. She had always looked forward to the day she became queen, believing it would give the power to control her own life for a change. But when she discovered she would have to marry in order to gain the throne and didn't even get a say in it, she realised there would forever be people making decisions for her and that the minute she said "I do," her hopes of ever being free would be gone forever.

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