Chapter 4

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"Are you alright?" He said. His voice was soft and smooth like warm butter on fresh bread. It sent a chill up and down Serena's spine.

"Yes. I-I'm f-f-fine." She stuttered, still in shock.

"Good. You should be more careful, it can get pretty dangerous in the forest." He said leading her away from the river.

"I'm sorry. It's my first time out."

"Really? I don't get out much either." He said. Serena noticed he looked kinda down so she decided to change the subject.

"So uh. Why are you in the the forest?" She asked.

"Oh, well I was just..." He tailed off wondering if he should tell her the truth or not. Serena noticed his hesitation.

"Sorry." She said. "I didn't mean to pry."

"No it's fine." He said. "Truth is, I got into a bit of trouble with Trip and his gang yesterday and well, I came here to hide from them."

"Who's Trip?" Serena asked.

You mean you don't know?" He asked her. She shot him a confused look to let him know she was serious. "Well Trip and his friends are sort of bullies around here. They have a reputation for causing trouble." He explained.

"Oh." She said. "Say, where are we going anyway?" She realised he was leading her deeper into the forest. She suddenly felt a bit sick remembering the stories about guys who lead women into the wood never to be seen again.

"No need to look so nervous." He laughed, "I just thought as it's your first time out. You might like to see how nice the kingdom really is." He smiled and lead her to the edge of the forest. It was at this point that Serena realised they were holding hands. She started blushing slightly but keep going nonetheless. The boy suddenly stopped at a large hanging ivy bush. He smiled and parted the vines to allow Serena through. She stepped out and then stopped. Just staring.

"Wow." It was all she could say, she was in a sense lost for words. They were in a small glade on the edge of a cliff. Stretching out on the horizon the whole of Kalos could be seen. The villages and forests even the large expanse of ocean right at the other end of the country.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Said the raven haired boy standing beside her.

"Oh yes!" She whispered. "Thank you... I'm sorry what was your name?"

"Oh of course, sorry. I am Ash pleased to meet you." He said extending a hand. She took it gratefully and smiled at her first outside friend.

"It's nice to meet you Ash, my name is Serena." She said.

"Serena, thats a lovely name. I bet your lovely to but I'm afraid I can't see you very well in that cape your wearing." Ash said.

"Um..." Serena nervously pulled the hood of her cape even lower, if anyone found out it was her she would be done for. Mind you he hadn't recognised her name...

"Please may I see you?" He asked, placing his hand through her hood and onto her cheek. Serena was quite overwhelmed at this gesture, then almost without a thought she pulled back her hood to reveal her face. Ash stepped back open mouthed. Serena looked away, certain he now knew she was the princess.

"You're beautiful." He said at last.

"Huh? You mean you don't know who I am?" Serena asked.

"Should I?" He questioned back, looking genuinely confused. He then gave a nervous laugh, "Sorry, but like I said I don't get out much."

"Serena smiled, she realised Ash had no clue she was the princess. Good. She didn't want to be the princess today, just a normal person.
She and Ash spent the whole day together. They messed around and played together, admired the scenery, befriended the forest pokemon. And even managed to have real heartfelt conversations. It was strange for both of them. They told each other things they'd never dream of telling anyone else. They weren't even sure why they were telling each other, I mean they'd only just met. But they both had a kind of sense they could trust each other. Ash told Serena all about his parents and his uncle and Trip and his friends. Serena was very sympathetic, she was horrified at the kind of things Ash had been put through and wondered how someone with a heart so pure could be treated in such a fowl way. She actually told him about her life always being controlled and her forced marriage but was very careful to make sure he didn't know who she really was. He to was angered that someone like Serena was treated so badly and was a great comfort to her.

Eventually the sun began to set and Serena said she should be off home soon.

"I understand." Ash said. He then turned back to the sun, "Breathtaking isn't it."

"I guess." Said Serena with very little enthusiasm.

"Whats wrong?" Ash asked turning to look her in the eye.

"It's just that... Back home I sit on my balcony and watch the sunset every night. And well it's always the same, I hate it I have longed for so long to see a new and different sunset." She said. She sat on the grass and put her head on her knees looking down.

"But this is a new and different sunset." Ash said.

"Huh?" Said Serena looking up.

"Wait here." Ash said then walked over to the side of the glade. He bent down and picked something up then turned back to Serena keeping whatever it was hidden in his hands. He sat down beside her opened out his hands to reveal two small white flowers.

"What are these?" Serena asked, clearly bewildered by Ash's actions.

"Well you know how you said you've never seen a different sunset?" Ash started. Serena nodded then gestured for him to continue. "Well these two flowers may look the same at first but they couldn't be more different, this one is bigger." He said holding one of them up. "And this one has brighter petals." He said raising the other. "It's the same with the sun. See last night it had an auburn glow that mixed lightly with the blue and the edges where clearer. Plus I saw it alone which gave it a more wishful atmosphere. But tonight it's softer and the colours come together more. Do you know why that is?" He asked all of a sudden.

Serena just shook her head still lost is his smooth words.

"It's because I'm seeing it with you! It makes it appear brighter and warmer because I feel good inside, my mother always said it's not what you do it's who you do it with. I feel like when I with you the whole world seem's brighter. So you see this is a new and different sunset. Because it's the first one we've seen together." He finished. Serena just stared out to the sunset allowing the words to sink in. She'd never thought about it like that before, probably as she'd never watched a sunset with anyone other than Fennekin. But now as she looked at the large pink glow spreading across Kalos she realised this sunset was different. It was the best one she'd ever seen, because she was finally seeing it with a friend (other than Fennekin).

"Thank you Ash." She whispered.

"What for?" He asked softly.

"For opening my eyes." She said, she then leaned against him and the two just sat for a while watching the sun fall.

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