Chapter 34

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Serena and May...

"Do you need anything?" May asked. "I could make you some tea." She offered. It was quite obvious Serena was nervous. With how much she was shaking. She shook her head and smiled gratefully. The door suddenly opened. Serena and May both turned to see Grace waiting for Serena.

"Come girl, the sooner you marry the sooner you can become queen." She said. Serena sighed sadly and began her walk into the cage. She kept her fingers crossed behind her back hopping and hopping that the plan had worked. 'Well if it did Ash would squeeze her left thumb when they joined hands.' She thought, that was the agreed signal. Iris had really thought this through. Her mother took her arm and lead her out to the square. She felt her chest tighten when she came to the end of the isle, the whole town was here and every pair of eyes were trained on her.

Ash was stood at the end of the isle when Serena arrived at the other. He felt his heart sore slightly at the sight of her. She was quite a vision in a tight silver dress attached by one strap around her head and decorated with diamonds down to the waist were white lace cascaded to the floor. She had a light veil with small white roses and her hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail. The music started up and she began walking down the isle with her mother. The queen was blissfully unaware it wasn't Gary under the mask and was eager to get this over with. Serena was a little reluctant but still got the end of the isle in end. She joined hands with Ash and looked at him nervously. She suddenly flinched as she felt him pinch her thumb. He smiled at her and she happily returned it, she was finally able to marry the man she really loved.

"Ladies and Gentleman..." The priest began. Neither Ash nor Serena heard the rest, they were so lost in each other it felt as if they were the only people in the world. That was until it came time for them to speak.

"Do you Gary Oak of Kanto take Serena Yvonne of Kalos to be your lawful wedded wife?" The priest said.

"I do." Ash said.

"And do you Serena Yvonne of Kalos take Gary Oak of Kanto to be your lawful wedded husband?" The priest said.

"I do." She said. Of course the priest said Gary but they made sure to sign Ash's name in the register.

"And do the two of you promise to solemnly protect and care for the people of your kingdom?" The priest asked.

"We swear." They said unanimously.

"Then by the power vested in me I hear by name the two of you king and queen of Kalos." He said.

"You may kiss the bride." He said.

This was it. Ash lifted Serena's veil and she removed his mask and wig. The whole crowd, aside those that knew of the plan, gasped. They didn't care though the two had finally been able to see each others beautiful eyes again, the more they looked the bigger they became until finally their lips met and the two felt a million fireworks exploding from their hearts. The kiss seemed to last forever, which clearly wasn't long enough as it was broken by a high pitched scream.

"NOOOOO!" Grace cried getting up and storming over to them. Ash put his arm protectively around Serena. "I will not allow this. You will severely regret this." She seethed. But inside Ash's arms Serena felt like she could do anything, even stand up to her mother.

"No mother it is you who will be sorry. For the way you have mistreated me and my husband." Serena said calmly.

"What?!" Grace cried.

"Well I am the queen now. And I hereby banish you for your cruelty to your subjects." Serena said firmly.

"What! You can't!" Grace cried.

"Yes I can. Take her." Serena said. The guards around the edge of the square immediately grabbed hold of Grace and began dragging the ex-queen, kicking and screaming, to the edge of town.

At the other side of the town Iris and Gary watched the ex-queen exiled by her own daughter with smirks on their faces. They kept looking at her but gave each other a high five as they watched. Serena and Ash then turned to face the crowd who were still stuck in shock. Serena cleared her throat and prepared to make her first public speech.

"Now." She began, everyone turned to face her. She felt a bit nervous but soften again when Ash took her hand. "Me and Ash are now the king and queen of Kalos and we intend to change the way things work around here. For starters after what I saw yesterday I am getting rid of milseries' forever. And I want everyone to know that no matter how people dress of work, they are people and deserve respect. So anyone being disrespectful around here will be punished. I hope that together we can create a world where everyone is accepted no matter what. Who's with me." She cried. There was silence for a minute as everyone took in what Serena had said. The silence was broken by someone saying: "I am". Everyone looked to see it was Dawn who had spoken. She stood up smiling. Kenny stood beside her and agreed that he was with Serena as well. Then one by one, starting with Ash's friends, the people of the village stood up and agreed with Serena. Eventually everyone was standing except for Trip, Paul and Damien. They tried protesting but no one took any notice.

Ash and Serena were thrilled. At last they were free and together.

"I'm so proud of you. Mrs Ketchum." Ash said. Serena giggle slightly then pulled him into yet another passionate kiss. This time the crowd cheered with joy as the two embraced. Knowing that from now on everything would be fine...

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