Chapter 27

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The laughs, jeers and taunts became less so as it was getting late. Ash was left sat in a pool of sadness. Eventually everyone turned in for the night. The guards brought two mugs out to Ash, one with soup and one with water. He didn't see starving to death would do any good so he drank them both. When after the guards had left and he was completely alone he finally allowed himself to cry. He refused to break down in front of people he knew that would just be giving them what they want. However he couldn't hold together forever, too much had happened. Not just now but everything leading up, the whole last 13 years of his life had been a nightmare and well losing Serena was sort of the final straw. He'd lost his parents, been worked to death by his uncle, abused and ridiculed by the townsfolk and turned into a freak show by the queen. All he had left were his memories. Of when his dad had told him to 'never give up until the end' and how Serena had stood against everyone because she loved him. He just kept thinking of that. He still cried that night, for it was a heavy blow, but the love that he remembered had cushioned it.

"Hey." A voice whispered in front of him. Ash looked up to see that it was Dawn who had spoken. When he looked around he saw that Drew, Kenny, Tracey, Clemont and May had all come.

"What are you guys doing here?" He whispered, (due to the fact that was in so much pain it was all he could manage).

"We felt bad for you so I brought you this pie." Said Dawn placing a warm apple pie on the stage just in front of Ash. It's delicious fruity aroma made Ash feel a bit warmer, despite the night's cold and his rather revealing attire.

"And I got some of that rich Miltank milk you like." Said May placing it beside the pie. And slowly one by one his friends came forward and each gave him something.

A knitted scarf-Tracey

A loaf of bread-Kenny

A wet towel (For the muck)-Clemont

A rose-Drew (Obviously!) (They all found it funny though, so it lightened the mood, which was essentially what he'd intended)

"I...I..." Ash tried to say but his voice keep breaking as he held back his tears. He was so happy, it felt wonderful to know there were still people who cared about him.

"It's ok Ash." Said Dawn laughing. Not the kind of hateful laughter he'd been given today. The kind of warm friendly laugh that can wash away any pain. And it certainly did Ash a world of good. After he'd been cleaned up and had the scarf tied around for warmth. Each of his friends had a go at feeding him the snacks since his hands can't reach his face (because of how short the chains are). After a while they started messing around with it playing silly games. It really helped make Ash feel better about the situation. After all the food and milk was used up they just chatted, about normal everyday things. But after a while the moon began it's descent and May had fallen asleep, despite her claims that she wasn't tired. Drew offered to take her home and ended up carrying her down the street bridal style. The others wanted to stay so they could be there for Ash. But he insisted they all go home and that he would be fine. So they left, very reluctantly. Ash did feel a bit empty inside still. But eventually he was able to get off to sleep, dreaming of being happy once again...

"Ahh! WHAT!" Ash screamed. He opened his eyes to find himself sat in a pool of water dripping wet. He shook himself slightly and looked around, it was then that he noticed the large crowd of laughing spectators. He looked over to the guards beside him who where holding a large pot and laughing like a couple of hyper hyenas. It didn't take him to long to put it all together.

"Rise and shine muck boy." One of the guards said between laughs. The two of them then took the pot off the stage and brought out a pair of pink wings. Some of the villages smirked, they had seen this humiliation before. Others weren't sure but after some hushed muttering they to were trying to hold back giggles. Ash started shaking he was so nervous, 'oh please let this be over soon' he prayed. Suddenly one of the guards came and strapped the wings on then hooked Ash's Moltars to a long piece of rope. Ash was still a bit clueless but was starting to get a good idea of what was going to happen. The guard by Ash gave his partner a nod who then pulled a lever hoisting Ash 2 metres in the air.

"Wah!" He cried as he started bouncing around in the air. The crowd couldn't hold back anymore and collapsed to the ground in a laughing fit. The guy with the rope was more than pleased to twist it around causing Ash to go flailing all over the place. His ears were soon met with taunts like:




"Ash was too busy trying not to puke to pay attention to these though. That was until the guard let go of the rope and he suddenly dropped to the floor. He fell splat into a pile of pokemon poo that had been set up on the stage.

Everyone around him started making 'muck boy' comments. He sat up looking helpless. But he grew hopeful when he notice Serena in the distance. However his hope soon died when he noticed who she was with. Gary merely smirked at Ash and pulled Serena closer. Ash had expected her to push him away, but to his horror she snuggled into him looking completely lovestruck. Ash gasped, he couldn't believe it. No she didn't, she couldn't. It was then that she noticed him staring at her.

She looked at him angrily and said "What are you staring at loser."

And "crack". That was the sound of Ash's heart breaking. He was finally shattered, he'd lost his home, his family, his dignity and now his true love. Serena had been his last hope and now... well he collapsed, sobbing. But that was the point of a milseries really, to make it's victim want to run and cry but because your chained to a stage you have to go to pieces in front of everyone. They all gave a loud cheer when Ash started crying, he tried putting his hands over his ears to blot it out but try as he might his hands just couldn't reach. Eventually he just let them fall to his sides accepting it, accepting all of it.

Ash's current thoughts- Just accept this Ash. What can you do now, you've lost everything so what else is there to lose.

That's pretty much it. Ash has decided to willingly go through the rest of his milseries in the knowledge that he can't feel more hurt than he does now.

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