Chapter 30

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An hour later...

Ash's cries had softened to stifled sobs as the night came and everyone left. He was completely heartbroken, what was worse he'd been forced to cry with everyone watching. He felt more humiliated than all of his previous humiliations combined.

"Serena." He choked out. It was the first thing he'd said in days. He just couldn't believe she'd called him a loser today. Was it true she had just been using him, he thought she loved him. And even now after all he'd been through he still loved her. After all, the worst thing about hating someone you love. Is the fact that they are someone you love!

"Ash?" A soft voice whispered just in front of him. He sniffed mid sob and looked up enough to see a figure in a familiar black cape.

"Who are you?" Ash asked. The figure pulled back the hood to reveal the face of Serena! Ash gasped then quickly looked away as if she had just hit him. He looked very pained at seeing her; she took a few steps back wondering if this was perhaps not such a good idea.

"Listen I know you were just using me and that you love Gary. But I can promise you, nothing you say will make me feel worse than I do now." Ash said, the hurt evident in his voice. This made Serena feel worse. She was so nervous she thought she might throw up, she was desperate for Ash's forgiveness. She took a deep breath...

"I love you." She said. It was all she needed to say to get his attention. Ash looked straight at her, his eyes wide with surprise. He stayed frozen like that for about a minute before his face relaxed into one of depress again.

"I know your lying, it's ok you don't have to pretend to like me anymore." He told her as a couple more tears escaped his eyes.

"No. Ash I promise it's not a lie, please let me explain." She begged.

"Come on. I believed it for a little while but I should have realised you never loved me. Who would?" Ash sighed.

"Who wouldn't?" Serena countered.

"Seriously! I could keep you here all night listing names." He said.

"Well I love you and I know all your friends do to." Serena said. She smiled softly hoping to somehow get through to Ash.

"Yeah I know my friends love me, even though I sometimes doubt it and feel as if they just feel sorry for me. But still I can't understand why someone like you could ever love someone like me. You deserve someone like Gary, he's a prince. I'm a muck boy. I did keep up the hope that you loved me until Trip pointed out it was impossible." Ash sighed, hanging his head slightly.

"I love you for you not because your a prince. I honestly couldn't care less that you're a muck boy. I fell in love with the person you are on the inside." She paused to think for a moment. "And what do you mean Trip pointed out it was impossible." She snapped.

"Well..." Ash started, then began to tell her about what had occurred this afternoon.

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