Chapter 2

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The sounds of laughter and fun rang throughout the entire village as the party was in full swing. The entire village had turned out to celebrate the dawn of a new era, as it was announced that day that the princess Serena would be taking husband and the two would then be named king and queen of Kalos. Everyone was laughing or dancing or just having a good time. Well almost everyone, one boy, who hadn't been invited to the celebration, sat alone in a barn simply listening to the others having fun. He sighed sadly wishing he had been allowed to go to. He turned his head from the window to look at the pokemon in the barn. At times her regarded them as his only friends, well aside from the small portion of the villagers that were actually willing to accept him. He yawned loudly and wandered over to the pile of hay he'd come to use as a bed. He was just about to collapse and drift away into a beautiful dream, when he noticed the hay was already occupied by a sleepy Pikachu. His partner no less. The boy sighed and then hitched himself up the ladder to the beam he sometimes sat on when he felt like being alone. There was a large circular window just opposite that provided a perfect view of the kingdom. He could see the villagers dancing happily, laughing like they hadn't a care in the world. Then right behind them was the castle. Home to the soon to married princess. The boy had never seen the princess and nor did wish to. He was certain she would be cruel to him just like everyone else in this stupid kingdom. Why? That was the question he always had on his mind. Everyday of his miserable life he would always wonder why? Why had this happened? Why did everyone hate him? Why did this happen to him?

The kid in question is Ash Ketchum the village's biggest loser. Yeah that pretty much sums him up to be honest. He has barely any friends, most of who he can only see on special occasions. Both his parents are dead and he is forced to work for hours in a pitiful job in exchange for food and shelter. He was miserable, all the people in the village treated him like a freak and took great pleasure in making him suffer through the means of pain and/or humiliation. In the past this sort of treatment would have made him mad, but as time went by whatever pride or self confidence he had once held onto had been worn down into nothing. Now he merely accepted the rotten treatment he was given, occasionally sitting on his special beam to cry when things got really bad.

You wouldn't believe it but his life hadn't always been this way, oh no. When he was born he had two loving parents who owned the farm just outside the village. As Ash grew up he had a pretty good life playing with the other kids and pokemon in the village or the forest. He would help out on the farm all the time and his parents were so praising of their sons selfless nature. They always said he would have nothing to worry about and that when he was older the farm would be his and they were sure he would take great care of it. But it was not to be...

For on Ash's sixth birthday his parents threw him a party in the forest with the whole village and all their pokemon. Even some wild pokemon showed up to join in the fun, everything was going great. The young Ash loved his gift especially a little yellow mouse named Pikachu. But while he was chasing his new friend out into the forest, the two suddenly found they were lost. They ran around in a panic and tried desperately to find their friends again. But to no avail. After calling out for what seemed like the thousandth time Ash finally gave in and broke down crying. Pikachu tried his best to comfort him. Ash was glad of his company, but he longed for the company of his parents now. He thought about them; it made him cry harder but he was also able to remember a time when this happened before. He'd been so scared so his father had told to 'never give until the end'. It was that very saying that inspired Ash to keep looking until he found his way back. And he did, after about an hour he came running into the clearing where the party was being held. Only to find it totally destroyed! The decorations were burnt and the food was all over the floor. Ash asked a sobbing woman next to him what had happened. And in-between sobs she managed to explain that a wild pokemon had attacked them and killed his mother and father as well as several others. Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing, he started punching a nearby tree crying and screaming that it wasn't true. But the sadness is that it was, and from that day on Ash's life would never be the same...

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