Chapter 8

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The next day...

"Hey! Rise and shine!"

"What?!" Ash yelled. He sat up abruptly. Drew laughed and help his friend get up. "Uh, morning already?" Ash said groggily.

"Yeah. But don't worry I got the hard stuff this morning. You get to run errands." Drew said and he handed Ash a list.

"Really, why?" Ash asked.

"Don't know, and I didn't bother asking. You know how your uncle is when it comes to questions." Drew said.

"Mm." Ash agreed. "Well guess I better get going." Upon hearing this Pikachu quickly jumped on Ash's shoulder indicating he was ready to go. The two said goodbye to Drew then headed into town.

The list said they needed bread first. Ash was really pleased to be going to Dawn's bakery, he hadn't been there in forever and really missed Dawn. She was one of his best friends when they were kids, she was always telling him "No need to worry." He thought how good it would have been to hear that over the last 13 years. He sighed and continued walking through the streets to the main square. All around him he noticed people giving him weird looks. He was use to it though, every time he went out people always looked at him differently. He knew non of them had respect for him and that he had a reputation in the village as a nobody. He didn't mind that much, if people didn't like him that was their problem. And besides there were some people who did see him as more than just a loser.

"Good morning." Came the call of one of those people as Ash entered the bakery.

"Hey, Dawn." He said smiling. Dawn opened her eyes to see who had spoken. When she saw it was Ash she nearly exploded.

"AHHHHHH! Ash oh my god. It's been so long, how are you?! How's Pikachu and Drew?! Oh my we have so much to catch up on." She squealed endlessly. Ash laughed thinking of how little she'd changed. It felt good, like not everything in his life had taken a turn for the worst. If fact Dawn hadn't taken a turn at all, she was the same overly peppy out-going crazy obsessive girl she'd always been. It really helped put a smile on Ash's face.

"Hey, what's happenin' DeeDee.?" Kenny said coming into the bakery. Kenny and Dawn were childhood friends who had come to really, really like each other. They were married 3 years ago, Ash had been invited to their wedding but his uncle had forbidden him to go.

"I told you not to call me that." Dawn was yelling. Kenny had always called her DeeDee, it made her really mad. Though he would never admit it he thought she looked really cute when she was angry. He was in the midst of smirking and admiring his feisty wife when he noticed Ash standing behind her.

"Oh man. Ash is it really you?" He asked, totally gobsmacked.

"Yeah," Ash said smiling and rubbing the back of his head. Then without warning he was tackled into a hug by Kenny, then flung on his back when Dawn decided to do the same. The three of them sat up laughing. They helped each other up, Ash wanted to stay and catch up but he knew his uncle would kill him if he was late.

"So how you been doing. That uncle o' yours givin' you a hard time?" Kenny asked.

"Mmm." Ash murmured sadly. Dawn noticed his expression darken slightly and elbowed Kenny for being so tactless.

"It's ok Ash, I'm sure things'll get better soon. No need to worry!" Dawn said in her usually over cheery way. Ash smiled, it was a sad smile but a smile non the less. He couldn't help but smile sadly; he was touched by the way his friend wanted to cheer him up but also knew that she was wrong and things wouldn't get better. (Thats what he thinks...).

Ash paid for the bread and left the bakery, waving to his friends as he left.

"Now where to next?" He started looking for his list.

"Pika, pika," Pikachu said passing the list to Ash.

"Thanks buddy." He smiled and opened the list. The next thing on the list was fruit and veg. That meant a trip to the grocery. 'Oh great' Ash thought as he headed across the square. The grocers shop was never a place he liked to visit. It was owned by his good friend Tracey, the two use to play with the pokemon in the forest when they were younger. But that was before Ash's uncle stopped letting him hang out with his friends. Ash did really want to see Tracey it had been so long since the two had spoken. The problem was, Trip and his gang often hung out outside the grocers and Ash really didn't want another run in with them. He peeked cautiously round the corner to the shop. They were all there, fortunately they weren't looking his way.

"Pika, pi?" Pikachu said.

"I've got to get past them somehow," Ash told his electric type pal. Pikachu took that as his que to act. He leapt down from Ash's head and ran over to the bullies. Ash just stared in disbelief as his electric mouse swiftly swiped Trips hat right from his head. He then jumped around a bit as the guys tried to get it back, Ash couldn't help but give a quiet laugh at how comical it all looked. Pikachu then dashed off down the street with the gang following as fast as they could. Ash smiled gratefully at his partner then walked over to Tracey's shop.

"Good morning," Greeted Tracey as Ash entered the shop.

"Hey Tracey. Good to see you." Ash said smiling.

"Ash, how good to see you. You doing ok?" Tracey asked.

"Well... Normal." Ash said laughing. Tracey knew he was just putting on a brave face by joking about his position. He watched his friend collect up the stuff he needed, he was smiling as he did so. Tracey knew Ash smiled as often as he could but deep down he was never truly happy anymore. As one of his close friends he wished there was something he could do to help. But none of them dared stand up to Ash's uncle, everyone in the town was afraid of him.

Ash finished selecting stuff and headed over to the counter to pay.

"Will that be all?" Tracey asked.

"Have you been working on any new drawings?" Ash asked. Tracey smiled and pulled out a notebook. H passed it to Ash, who then began flicking through it. It was full of pictures of pokemon Tracey had drawn himself. Ash along with all of Tracey's other friends knew this was his real passion. Making pokemon art was his real love in life, but unfortunately he hadn't enough money to publish his art properly. Ash wished he could help Tracey's work was truly amazing but he didn't have any money whatsoever. He suddenly stopped at a page with a picture of all the forest pokemon gathered at a lake. He stared at it in shock.

"Thats a good one isn't it, I had to be very careful not to be noticed there." Tracey said.

"This is the pokemon lake gathering." Ash said still transfixed. "No one's ever been able to witness this before." He stated. "You really are good Tracey." He said handing his book back. Tracey blushed laughing and put the book away. Ash laughed to then headed to the door.

"Well it was good seeing you but I better get going, you know what my uncle is like." Ash said smiling and giving his friend a little wave. Tracey waved back then started fiddling with something under the counter. Ash walked out the shop, still smiling. But his smile froze when he saw who was waiting for him outside. As soon as he stepped out the door his gaze was lodged with Trip's. He had an unnerving smirk present on his face and an unconscious Pikachu in his hands.

"I believe this is yours," He said tossing Pikachu at Ash.

"Pikachu!" Ash cried catching him. "You ok buddy." Ash asked, concerned. Pikachu didn't wake up but Ash could tell he was breathing; he felt relived for a minute. But he was quickly overtaken by fear when he heard Trip laughing. The other members of his group started laughing to. Ash looked around for a way out but he was completely trapped.

"So Ashley, looks like you don't have your little princess to protect you today." Trip taunted.

"W-what do you want. A-and it's-s A-Ash." Ash stuttered.

"I want you to do anything I want you to, like you said." Trip smirked. "Oh, and you will be Ashley. Soon." He then broke out laughing along with the rest of the gang. Ash began shaking nervously as the group advanced on him...

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