Chapter 18

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Back in the ballroom...

The music stopped and Serena drew away from Gary as fast as she could. She then bowed reluctantly and went back to her throne.

"Well how was it. Isn't prince Gary just marvellous, I hear the kingdom of Kanto is the largest and the most wealthy of them all." Grace said eagerly. Serena forced a smile at her mother and told her it was fine. Grace could sense Serena's uncertainty but decided to dismiss it for the time being. Serena had just sat back down again when the trumpets sound yet again. Everyone looked at the door very confused as to what was happening. When another very well dressed man entered. His clothes were even nicer than the others, he had black pants made of the best hand woven silk. And an equally as well made blue waistcoat with gold lapels and straps made of genuine thin woven gold. The clothes fit him so well and really showed off his muscular toned body. He had a blue and black mask covering his face from his nose up and the top of his head was taken up by a large regal crown. He handed a card to the servant and slowly approached the throne. Serena was looking at him intently, there was something familiar about him. Suddenly the servant read aloud what was on the card.

"Prince Satoshi of Alto Mare."

The prince walked up to Serena and her mother and bowed politely. Serena extended her hand again, she was surprised to see it shaking, why was she nervous? When Satoshi took it she felt a spark fly right up her arm, like a static shock only it felt good. His hand was soft and strong, it felt kind of familiar to but Serena decided to dwell on that later. For now she was being practically swept off her feet and into the dance.

"So..." She tried to say something but was at a loss for words.

"It's ok." He said. His voice was deep and soft like warm butter; had she not thought that about someone else's voice?

"You need not speak." He said. "Let us save our words for after the dance." And he began leading her round the room. It wasn't like her other dances though, she didn't have to keep in time or think of something to say to the prince. She only had to relax and allow him to guide her into this new world were only the two of them existed. We she eventually snapped out it, she realised they'd danced into the garden somehow. They broke away, Serena realised she was blushing and it deepened as the awkwardness of the situation set in. Little did she know that under his mask Satoshi was also blushing; but somehow Serena brought out the confidence in him.

"Would you care to take a walk with me." He said kindly. Serena nodded shyly and the two began walking through the garden hand in hand.

Back in the ballroom Grace was thrilled that Serena seemed to be connecting well with one of the princes. The rest of the people had begun dancing again whilst Gary was leaning on the wall at the side of the room looking utterly livid.

In the middle of the dance floor was a brunette maid and a footman with green eyes and hair. They didn't care for how they must have looked though, they were to happy.

"Well that went well." The brunette said.

"Mm," agreed the footman. they both smiled at each other before locking their lips.

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