Chapter 16

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At the ball...

Bored. Bored. Bored. That was all Serena could feel. Well there was a bit of hope somewhere. It kept making her eyes skim the crowd to see Ash. But as the more doubtful side of her attitude said he wasn't here. The rest of the village, and even people from other villages in the kingdom, were here and having a great time. While they danced Serena sat on a throne beside her mother awaiting the arrival of the princes from other kingdoms. They would each be given the opportunity to impress her and at the end of the week, the prince that had impressed her the most would become her husband. Serena looked out to the crowd of dancing commoners and wished more than anything to join in. She felt like she could barely breath in the extravagant dress she was wearing. It was a pink sleeveless gown that hugged her chest tightly to show of her figure, then spread out in soft pink waves to the floor. Her hair was in a neat bun on her head and decorated with small pink and red roses. She looked like a perfect goddess. The only thing missing was a smile. Normally she loved dressing up in such beautiful clothes; but today, looking at the people dancing around without a care in the world, she wished she could just wear her small plain white dress. That way she could blend in with the crowd and just have fun for a change. Her thoughts were suddenly broken by the sound of trumpets. The music stopped and everyone moved to the sides of the room so there was a clear path from the door to the throne.

"The princes are here darling." The queen said excitedly. Serena smiled and pretended to be interested. Some high level servant Serena didn't know stood at door as very well dressed men entered. The first was much older than Serena, he was tall and tanned. She also noted he had a squint. He passed a card to the servant.

"Prince Brock of the Orange Islands." He announced. Brock then approached the thrones and bowed to the princess. Serena extended her hand just as she had been taught to do. He kissed it lightly then the two proceeded to dance.

"So your from the Orange Islands, whats it like there?" Serena asked. She thought the least she could do was make an effort.

"It's great, there are many different Islands there and each has it's own unique qualities. Kalos is quite nice to your lucky to live here." He said. The two continued to dance and talk about their respective homes and Serena decide he was very nice but she would rather be friends with him than anything else.

When the music stopped the two bowed to each other politely and Serena returned to her throne. Brock went over and attempted to court many of the women in the crowd, Serena giggled at his behaviour and was happy to discover he didn't have romantic feelings for her either. The trumpets sounded once again and a large orange haired man around Serena's age entered. He to passed a card to the servant.

"Prince Morrison of Hoenn." He announced. Like Brock Morrison followed the correct procedures and bowed before the queen and princess. As the two danced Serena decided she also like Morrison. He didn't act like other princes, he was very outgoing and enjoyed a good laugh.

"Your very amusing sir. I would like very much for you and I to become friends." Serena said as they finished their dance.

"Me to. I know I am supposed to impress you enough to earn your hand but to be honest I don't think I'm ready for marriage. I'd much rather just be friends." He said softly.

"I agree." Serena said quietly. The two then bowed to each other and receded to the throne or into the crowd. Then one by one Serena met the many princes.

Prince Ritchie of Johto.

Prince Barry of Sinnoh.

Prince Cilan of Unova.

She quite liked all of them, they were very friendly. But still she didn't feel the endless surge of excitement and pleasure she had felt with Ash. The horns sounded once again and in walked a tall extravagantly dressed man. He had brown hair that spiked around his head and carried himself with an air of arrogance. Serena got a pretty uneasy vibe from him but her mother seemed overjoyed. The servant took the card from him.

"Prince Gary of Kanto." He read. The prince bowed before Grace and told her she looked incredible. Grace was very impressed by the young princes demeanour. He then bowed to Serena and complimented her. She offered him her hand and the two began to dance.

"You are quite an impressive dancer Princess." He said.

"Thank you, and my name is Serena." Serena said.

"Wow, so we're already onto informalities then." He replied. "Very well Serena. So tell me how many layers do you think our wedding cake should have? Because I felt 20 would do nicely." He smirked at her.

"Excuse me!" Serena said, still quietly but the tone of anger was obviously present.

"Well come on it's not like any of these other losers are any better. So naturally you'll pick me." He said arrogantly. He pulled her closer to him and tightened his grip around her waist. She winced slightly, she defiantly did not like this prince at all.

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