Chapter 20

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Ash got up feeling very warm and drowsy. 'Strange' he thought, 'why does the straw feel so smooth and heavy today?' He reached out his hand to stroke Pikachu only to find he wasn't there.

"What the?" He said aloud. He sat up and looked around. He was in a large four poster bed in the middle of huge expensive looking bedroom. At first he had no clue what was going on, but as he started waking up he began to remember the events of yesterday. A knock suddenly sounded at the door. He grabbed his mask and crown from the table and threw them on quick.

"Enter," He said, it didn't half feel strange ordering people around. Usually he was the one taking the orders. A servant with a tray of food entered the room and placed it on the table. She was a tall brunette with soft blue eyes. Ash relaxed a great deal when he saw her and took the disguise of.

"I'm very glad to see you May, how have you been?" Ash said.

"As well as can be expected. After the dance with Drew last night, I feel like I'm on cloud 9. I should think you feel the same." She said in a gossipy way. Ash rolled his eyes but still told her about what happened while he was getting ready in the bathroom. When he left he was as rich and handsome looking as he had been yesterday.

"Wow." May said. She'd seen him last night but was still blown away by the transformation. No one could tell he was really a poor, penniless muck boy.

"Well?" Ash said.

"Mm. Oh! Yes." May said remembering why she had come. "Well I have brought you some breakfast and am told to inform you that you are required in the throne room at 10:00." She said.

"When did you get so formal." Ash asked while picking up a croissant.

"I have to keep up appearances around here, guess I've kind of gotten into the habit." She said laughing. Ash laughed to, and took a bite out of his toast. He'd never eaten anything except bread and apples and lettuce and other left over foods when he was living on the farm. With the occasional pie or pastry, smuggled in by Dawn. He hadn't had a proper meal like this since he still had parents. It felt wonderful to have so many sweet flavours dancing on his tongue. He ate the entire platter of food, even though it could have fed at least 20 men. When he was finished he glanced at the clock: 9:49. It was getting quite late, he'd better head down to the throne room. He left his room and walked down the corridor to the main staircase. When he got about three floors down he looked around but didn't recognise anything. There was the fact that they had been in the ballroom last night and so he had no clue where the throne room actually was. He went running round the palace looking, but couldn't find anything. He was sure he was late by now.

"What am I going to do." He cried.

"Something wrong?" A voice said.

"Ash whipped round to see who it was. It turned out to be Cilan the prince of Unova.

"I can't seem to find the throne room." Ash said.

"Yes I had trouble myself, lucky I ran into Serena's maid Iris. According to her it's just over this way." He said pointing down the hall.

"Thanks," Ash said.

"I was just heading over there, want to walk together?" He offered.

"Sure," Ash said. The set off for the throne room and started to have good conversation about pokemon

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