Chapter 10

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*flashback start*

Ash's uncle had informed Ash that he would no longer be allowed to play with the village's other children. Drew tried to comfort him but his uncle wasn't having it.

"Do not take pity on the pathetic kid." He had said. "He needs toughening up, some good hard work ought to do him some good." He was very firm and warned Drew that if he caught him helping Ash in any way he would be dismissed. Of course Drew helped him secretly despite the warning. But as he lived on the farm he was also under Ash's uncle's rule of: No contact with the outside world. This meant he had two options. He could stay to care for Ash and never see his love May again. Or he could leave Ash to fend for himself and be with May. It was tough but he knew what he had to do; so that night he met May in the forest.

"Drew, why did you want to see me?" She asked nervously. He looked at her seriously so she would get the message. The two often liked to play jokes on each other but there were some times that were no laughing matter. May took in Drew's stare and understood that now was one of those times.

"Well there's something I want you to know, and I have to tell you now before it's too late." Drew said sadly.

"What do you mean too late?" She asked, the fear present in her voice. Drew winched slightly, this was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do. He took a deep breath...

"May. This is the last time you and I will be together for quite sometime. I don't know if you and I will ever meet again; but I sure hope so."

"What! Why! Drew your kidding right?" May cried. Drew shook his head sadly. "No, this can't be. Why Drew, why are you leaving me." May began crying, tears dripping down her pale cheeks.

"May, I hate to. But I have to stay with Ash." Drew said seriously.

"What? What do you mean?" May asked suddenly feeling more curious than upset.

"Ash's uncle has said that Ash is to work on the farm and never leave from now on. And I am only allowed to stay if I don't see any of you anymore." Drew said. May gasped. "I could leave the farm to be with you but then Ash would have to face his uncles torture by himself. And you know I've always thought of him like a little brother, I need to be there for him May because unlike the rest of us his life's about to get a lot harder. He needs someone to help him through it." Drew was just babbling now tears began welling up in his eyes as he knew this was the most horrible decision he'd ever made. May to was crying, for she knew that she would have to make a tough decision here. But it was the right thing to do.

"Drew?" She said softly. He broke off to look at her. "I understand." She said smiling. She placed both of her hands onto Drew's shoulders and looked deep into his deep green. "Ash needs you. I understand. I'll just wait for you." May said trying to put on a brave face. Drew looked into her lovely deep blue eyes, he could tell she was upset but it just made him love her more. He knew this was his last chance. He had to tell her.

"May. Before I leave you I just had to let you know the truth." Her eyes seemed to flicker when she heard that. "May, I know that you and me. Well, we fight a lot but I've always kind of liked you. And I know we're great friends and all but I think you and I should be..." He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before May plunged her lips against his. At first he was shock, but soon he relaxed and returned the kiss. After a while they started full on making out. They stayed that way for a long time. They weren't exactly sure how long, but it didn't feel long enough. When they pulled away they each wanted more than anything to hold each other and never let go again. They released each other from their grip and opened their eyes once again. Drew was shocked to find the tears flowing down May's cheeks. He wished to hold her and comfort her but he couldn't shake the feeling that if did he would never let her go. So instead he he told her something he'd wanted to say for a long time.

"I love you. May."

May's eyes widened and she began full on sobbing. But she was smiling as she did.

"I love you to." She said. Then she ran. Drew didn't stop her, he knew this was how it had to be even if it hurt. But both kept up the hope that they would someday meet again.

*Flashback end*

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