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Pridelands Pride

King= Simba- large male lion with a yellowish pelt and massive mane and orangish eyes

Queen= Nala- pretty dusty yellow and grayish lioness with yellow eyes

Healer (in charge of taking care of medical needs of the pride)= Taylani- older darker amber lioness with green eyes

Apprentice- Taygar- small teenage yellowish amber lion with a small mane and green eyes (brother to Aris and Kapro, son to Byrose)

Lionesses (in charge of hunting and defending the pride)

Sarabi- older dusty yellowish lioness with green eyes (mother to Simba)

Milik- pretty small amber lioness with blue eyes (sister to Hulis)

Hulis- older amber lioness with claws missing on her front right paw and blue eyes (sister to Milik)

Byrose- yellowish gray lioness with one amber eye and one green eye (mother to Aris, Taygar, and Kapro)

Lija- large amber lioness with a long scar over her shoulder and orange eyes

Pailo- young almost silver lioness with long claws and green eyes (sister to Priphime)

Priphime- young ginger colored lioness with a scar over one of her eyes (sister to Palio)

Aris- yellow lioness with white paws and chest with blue eyes (sister to Taygar and Kapro, daughter to Byrose)

Kapro- amber lion with one white paw and blind, green eyes (brother to Taygar and Aris, son to Byrose)


Queen= Zira- ragged grayish yellow lioness with a shredded ear and cold yellow eyes

Healer= Plagrass- skinny gray lion with a shaggy black mane and amber eyes, sickly

Apprentice- Flist- handsome dark brown lion with a black mane and blue eyes

Lions and Lionesses

Zikra- grayish lioness with a lighter underbelly and gray eyes (sister to Zira)

Kouk- gingerish lioness with amber eyes

Rikel- amber lion with blue eyes

Embus- amber and yellow lioness with one black paw and green eyes

Swirkle- stormy gray lioness with a yellow underbelly and amber eyes

Sijka- amber and brownish lioness with a shredded ear and blue eyes

Impha- albino lioness with blue eyes.

Fick- dark brown lion with a black mane and brown eyes

Sphif- amber and yellowish lioness with green eyes

Clairik- young lioness with brown eyes

Nuka- brownish lion with a black mane and green eyes

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